
Yeah, after typing that I added: "But they can keep Stein to help with the thinky stuff." And then I deleted that, because I was about to add: "And if you've got Stein I guess you need Jackson. And Mick's at his best when he's bro-bullying Ray, so keep him. And Amaya's pretty great, too. Ah, keep all of them."

If the vaccine works, Clive can take it and then get it on with Dale without the risk of infection.

If the vaccine works, Clive can take it and then get it on with Dale without the risk of infection.

A vaccine is not a cure. So they could use it to enable zombie-on-human romance without actually destroying the show's premise.

Despite the cliches of cinema, most military organisations believe in gathering intelligence before taking action. And despite what's happening in real life right now, most presidents like to listen to that intelligence and think long and hard before ordering military action, especially on American soil.

Carey Gold was revealed as being behind the murder of Clive's friends. She then put into motion Fillmore Graves' doomsday plan: Release Aleutian flu to kick off a public health scare to get people to take the vaccine, which FG then tainted with zombie blood causing a massive boom in the zombie population. Chase Graves

I'm now wondering whether having a backup gun while cleaning his main one is a good habit he got into over the years, or a decision he made when he set up this meeting.

In a rather overt reference to George W Bush learning about 911 while reading to schoolchildren.

It looked really weird until he stood up, and then it became clear it was corporate fatigues. Which, you're running a successful military contractor, dude. Hire Hugo Boss or someone.

So I'm guessing season four will have Liv and Clive and hopefully Dale working in that special Zombie Police Force which Chase mentioned.

And a montage of Veronica sucking 37 dicks.

I didn't get the Felicia Day nerdlove until she did Mystery Science Theatre 3000. Evil singing mad scientist is a fantastic look for her.

Hey, remember when John Cusack was in good movies? Strange times, my dudes, strange times.

If they were to one day pare Legends of Tomorrow down to just Sara, Mick, and Snart doing crimes through history (but, uh, crimes for great justice or something), it would probably become the best superhero on TV.

The best thing about the alien dream world was that it let Thea get a little catharsis by killing her evil dad.

I thought The Force Awakens was perfectly adequate and very entertaining. But he doesn't seem to understand what Star Trek is about. Or was about, before he took it over.

He played a character in the fourth Pirates of the Caribbean film called Philip Swift. I have seen this film at least once, but I have no memory of Philip Swift whatsoever.

Kimiko Glenn, I recently learned, played Yoshimi in a musical based on the Flaming Lips' album Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots. I found this knowledge quite delightful, and so I share it with all of you.

Did she just throw her own daughter down a trapdoor?

It took me some time to forgive Ragman for being Patterson's annoying boyfriend, which absolutely is not his fault. But man did that character annoy me.