
That sounds like something a criminal would say.

Giant-sized battle mauls can't crush steel helmets!

Mad Max: Fury Road. Not just because it's a genuinely great movie that was enhanced by the big screen experience, but because somehow - despite going to a major cinema chain - I managed to be literally the only person in the audience. It was wonderful, 10/10 would recommend exterminating the human race to enjoy great

Mrs S's death was tragic, but at least she got to go out like a badass. I was almost as upset about the loss of Gracie, who has been a victim her entire life and now just gets casually shot in the head by the Neolution cop lady, who I now sincerely want to see get Helena'd.

I managed to get all the way through True Blood, right to the last episode, kept going by blood, tits, and most of all a grim determination to finish what I had begun.

So, inevitable plot twist: Stein helped build and/or design the Titanic.

Nobody even knows which the original Tatiana is anymore. I'm hoping they keep the Krystal one, because she's awesome. Also from a career perspective, the Sarah one is clearly the most versatile.

Not having watched Snowfall and going only from that episode description, I'm forced to assume that crack was brought to America by the Roosevelt family. I guess Emily Rios is playing Eleanor.

Most importantly, University Challenge - the greatest TV show in history - is back tonight.

We only let the Germans take over because the Dutch weren't cutting it.

If Star Wars didn't get them there, I doubt Doctor Who will have much of an effect. But it really should.

Damn, that's a sombre group photo. It looks like they're on their way to a funeral. Possibly a funeral at a leather bar, but still - that's a lot of earth tones.

Heroes had so much promise, but with hindsight the seeds of its suckitude were there from the start. I mean, Peter Petrelli jumped off a building in the very first episode. We really should have realised just how fucking stupid he was right there.

That detergent commercial seemed unusually emphatic about the whiteness of the clothes it was cleaning.

Should that be Mammoth or Man-Moth? Or both?

I'd take the awe of understanding over the awe of ignorance any day.
— Douglas Adams (March 11, 1952 - May 11, 2001)

Maybe he saw a woman he hadn't groped yet. Or a baby eating some candy.

Well, obviously I can. But not everybody's that flexible, and I don't like to make assumptions.

Never eat anything you can't stuff and mount.

But, you know, we should just carry on propagating the myth about the apple, and maybe throw in some of Dan Brown's bullshit.