
You mean, Gail the Snail?

Google says that's Graham Greene the awesome First Nations actor, and not Graham Greene the dead writer.

Also, dead kittens and Winston Churchill eating fried chicken.

And her dad-who-raised-her. Remember how he shot that guy in the lifeboat?

You don't need to punch a donkey to make it pissed off. They're ornery creatures by nature.

Maybe she could have been blown across the room by the blast. Fatal injuries, but she comes back as a zombie just like Blaine did after getting his throat cut. Cue further angst and misery.

It was obvious something was going to happen at the party, but I assumed it would be some sinister Fillmore Graves stuff - my guess was that Major's buddies would try to make him a zombie again so he didn't have to leave, and that would torpedo his chance of a new life with Natalie.

It's an entire series about the sex lives of the AV Club!

11. One of the most stunning women Hollywood has ever produced.

You know, Prince William used a stunt double for most of that. Pretty much everything but the close-ups of his face. The rest of the time he wouldn't even leave his trailer.

Everything is awful and getting worse.

They could call up Barry every time, but given how dumb he is that would probably cause more problems than it solved.

Way back when, two different sitcoms debuted about a business-minded blonde who was forced by a sudden change in her fortunes to become roommates with a tough, cynical, sexually active brunette in New York.

But I love dogs! And I'm not wholly opposed to shenanigans.

Her greatest crime? Being taller than David Miscavige.

No Marvel shows on there at all, which is interesting. They've been pretty well hyped, and you'd think there'd be a preexisting fanbase to boost them at least to the same level as Stranger Things.

Say what you like about Look Who's Talking, but it wasn't as bad as Look Who's Talking Too.

Errol Flynn! Hollywood's most beloved statutory (and possibly actual) rapist!

Blonde Liv just looks wrong. Although not as wrong as Ravi's sex face.