
Maybe it's a brilliant meta-commentary on the fact that so many teen-targeted shows cast actors in their 20s and 30s as the supposedly teenaged characters which their audiences are supposed to lust after, thereby conditioning teenagers to be attracted to significantly older people.

How does one qualify for a "thanks" credit in hardcore pornography? Like, did she fill in on the lighting crew for the climactic climax scene? Serve as a butt double? Bring enough cocaine, blue pills, and breath mints for everyone on set?

Sara's death was one of the worst things the show ever did. The plotline it led to was, if you will forgive the understatement, not good, and it was assumed by most of us to have been done primarily so Laurel could be the One True Canary. Which we just weren't buying because Caity Lotz was born to play a superhero.

Or a blimp.

Factually. William Shears was also born on June 18.

On the one hand, 2 still has his genitals attached.

You shut up, Ace was awesome and her dialogue was totally accurate as to how 80s teenagers talked!

Alas, no. Emily's love life does not feature at all.

Well, Cyclops is absolutely broken inside, his family is probably the biggest mess in fiction, and he's a ruthlessly pragmatic chessmaster. So he's not really a Boy Scout type in the same way that Synch was.

Bling! (pictured above) is also black, it's just hard to tell.

Eh, there's potential in it.

Angela Eagle should have a few things to say about the DUP/Tory alliance.

Username does not check out. What were you doing at a baseball game?

It'd be cool to see him try.

It's all pretty good so far… except Rachel's new costume and codename.

Plus it gives her potential common ground with the current story arc's villain, Monet driven crazy by her brother's quasi-vampiric powers.

Sara Lance is the absolute best.

Tom Waits is always the best. Although I'll admit that Bruce Springsteen's cover of Jersey Girl is absolutely wonderful.

Arnold Vosloo: The actor whose omission was the fourth worst mistake made by the Tom Cruise Mummy movie (first three being, obviously, John Hannah, Rachel Weisz, and Brendan Fraser).

Yes, but is there anything for the Angelophiles - you know, people who desperately want to fuck genderless celestial beings and/or broody vampires with caveman brows?