
4. Agent Stubble Manjaw from Blindspot.

This is the genre show that finally ended the Summer Glau Curse. They had her recurring all season, yet three years on it's still going strong.

“Who are you calling small?”
-Dorothy “Ace” McShane, in the act of inventing what TV Tropes dubbed the “Crowning Moment of Awesome” by beating the living shit out of a Dalek with a powered-up baseball bat.

The island flashbacks are pretty great in season 2.

I remember Nautica Thorn. She was ridiculously pretty and always came across as bubbly and friendly and charming.

So, short version, if you want to be in the MCU, be born on June 13? Or have at least two siblings who were?

So, your vote for best Wells? Genius Wells, Coffee Addict Wells, Actually An Evil Speedster Wells, Real World Novelist and Lothario H G Wells, or Helena Wells from Warehouse 13?

Note: Thea's taste in men does not get any better.

It's weird that there's only two Francos. It feels like there are so many more. But I don't think that's Dave Franco's fault.

Anyone care to speculate as to the pornographic equivalent of "Don't put metal in the science oven"?

She's Australian. Don't Australians have built-in anti-shark devices called "fists"?

Well, her cleavage was the real star of Escape from New York.

Everybody's googling how to spell his name. Oh, and posting on message boards about how much he sucked and how he's ruining their childhood.

Yeah, that's the great advantage of a Parliamentary System: You're guaranteed that the head of state will be an experienced politician who knows how to get shit done both within their own party and in Parliament as a whole.

Specifically, the DUP is opposed to Northern Ireland leaving the UK and becoming part of the Republic. This isn't as simple an issue as you might assume. Due in part to massive post-Cromwell immigration, Northern Ireland has a population that is majority Protestant (by a fairly narrow margin) and, not entirely

Microsoft Windows: The thinking murderous vigilante's choice for hacking into corporate fuckery.

Okay, now tell those fuckers to add skateboarding and gymnastic trampoline.

There is nothing obscure about The Vikings.

But that's not a hashtag, it's a hash used as a placeholder for a number.

100 is definitely lowball. Just checking the tags on Archiveofourown reveals there are already 320 Twelve/Missy stories on there, although there's no way to tell how many involve actual Tardis travel and moral dilemmas as opposed to just being "and then they did sex".