
Fun historical detail of the day: "Sweet Fanny Adams" is not, as many of you may have assumed, an anachronistic euphemism for "Sweet fuck all", but rather a reference to a particularly horrible murder in the 1860s that entered British military slang as a tasteless joke on the quality of rations.

A friend of mine pointed out on Facebook that Theresa May got more votes this year than Tony Blair got in 1997, when Labour secured a majority of 179 seats. Even accounting for population growth and increased turnout, that suggests that something ain't quite working.

Well if we're doing that, here's the Divine Comedy covering Jacques Brel.

Yeah, not gonna rewatch that. The memory still makes me shudder.

Kevin Costner isn't in Fortitude; that's Dennis Quaid.

Better. One of the first things they did in season two was write off the most useless character, and they've kept the rest of the cast in fairly constant motion (except Three, who is perfect as he is).

Wynonna Earp is the best show about a badass lady superhero and her sister who's just coming to terms with liking girls thanks to a gorgeous lady cop on TV. Mostly by virtue of not having a Guardian subplot.

Belle Knox rings a bell. Wasn't she a student at an Ivy League school who was publicly outed for having done porn and then hounded by a bored press?

I watched that for Eliza Dushku.

Oh, come the fuck on. This whole thing was a "fuck you" to the Tories over Brexit. Why would you respond to that by putting Brexit's pet trufflehound in charge?

Yes, Her. No, she's not an egg. Yes, she's funny. She's also very cute.

Gina Gershon is, quite simply, one of the most sexually charismatic women to ever appear on film. It's not just that she's beautiful; there's something in the curl of her lip, the way she carries herself, that just tells you that you would not be able to walk the next morning.

I had to google before I upvoted, but you earned it.

She's the star of a successful sci-fi show which this article just couldn't be bothered to mention, so I'm not sure she still qualifies as "unknown".

This is the second place I've seen this news, and both times there was absolutely no mention of the fun sci-fi action show of which she is currently the star.

Get out.

Yes. Which was explained, but I only got the explanation on a rewatch.

Well, clearly you don't get the nuances of Sexy Captain Hook. He's a bad boy… but her love can redeem him! It's a brilliant, never-before-seen, twist, and just to make it even more unique they've dressed him in black leather.

Huh. I would have assumed Bang Bang or These Boots Were Made For Walking, but this is a more than acceptable alternative.