
Meanwhile, her husband’s thought process: “Wait, this guy’s her ex? Damn, he’s kind of ripped. And obviously some kind of celebrity. Wait, does that mean she settled? Oh, god, she settled, didn’t she. She secretly resents me for not being him, because he’s so cool and… wait, what’s he doing? Oh. Oh. Oh, okay, she

Well, Josh Segarra has eaten most of the scenery, Mister Terrific finally got his T-Spheres (and there was great moderate rejoicing), and the writers realised that Wild Dog and Deputy Mayor Detective Captain Officer Lance are actually a pretty great pairing.

Also, that seems like the kind of stunt for which you should have somebody standing ready with a fire extinguisher, even when somebody hasn't decided to recreate the Bal des Ardents.

I really hope next week he uses his obvious built-in cover story: I got fired from the CDC for believing in zombies.

Nobody's perfect. No, not even Ravi.

Rose McIver from Once Upon A Time.

Doctor Chase Meridian in Batman Forever.

I was expecting Clive to deadpan his way through the interrogation, showing no reaction as Liv got increasingly panicky, then after the suspect left just turn to her and ask what he'd been drinking.

I'm really hoping Liv went full Abed and pre-rolled characters for her friends. And named Major something equivalent to Hector the Well-Endowed.

I'm just surprised Blaine's dad didn't just go full-on zombie, snap the cable ties, shatter the cement boots, and engage in an epic zombie-on-zombie throwdown with Blaine.

So, probable actual sequence of events: Vivian confirms with Major that the cure they've stolen works - Vivian, AK47 and Djaq all take the cure - Vivian, AK47 and Djaq fake their own deaths in a fiery helicopter explosion.

There's a lot of talent in that top 10, the standard-issue pretty young thing who most of us have never heard of but takes the top spot aside.

Ashur! Is it too much to hope that Syrian fuck gets butchered by Slade? Or by a resurrected Amanda Waller? Or by Mazikeen, in a drive-by crossover stabbing? Or, hells, I'd settle for Weather Wizard doing it.

Two. Two great physical comedy setpieces.

If Eliza does become a regular, I might have to check this Bull thing out.

Well, I'm sure that won't have any negative effect on the smooth flow of the plot or the show's continuity.

Ella basically solved the murder in about five minutes, then got that hug attempt which made me rewind just to watch Charlotte push her away again. She had a pretty great episode.

I used to get angry about these things. I grew up checking under the family car for bombs because I knew - for as long as I can remember - that there were people out there who would happily kill me because my father wore a uniform. I remember, when I was nine years old, asking him why.

*Archer reference*

Killed by evil movie critics?