
Do they include Anonymous?

Come on, Ashley's Web? Surely there's some kind of interesting story there about how Ashley Renee attempted to save the life of an adorable young piglet and teach him valuable life lessons by having sexual relations with various people, possibly while wearing a spider costume?

I just want him to become Nebula's BFF/confidante/personal shopper, and be very confused as to how he ended up in this role.

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has 262 writing credits on IMDb, most of them posthumous. I have to wonder if that's a record.

I used to share a flat with a guy who drank one of those for breakfast, and presumably more throughout the day.

The first season is great fun, zipping by on so much charm that you can overlook the stupidity.

I'm old enough to remember the days when people rejected Star Trek because it was for nerds, and even though I played Warhammer and wanted to be a Jedi I obviously wasn't that big of a nerd.

True story: September 1997, my little brother comes into my room first thing in the morning and turns the radio on. I turn it straight back off. He turns it on and tells me to listen. I give it a minute, then ask: "So who died?"

Unhappy marriage, screwed around, got divorced, car crash. Life, death, truth. Is it really complicated enough to merit multiple documentaries and 20 years of Daily Express front pages?

This probably isn't University of London, though; it's filmed in Bristol and Cardiff, so it's probably safe to assume it's meant to be set in one of those cities.

Dear Bill,

Which is good, but I'd rather she was appearing on my screen.

A drunk man, asked why he's killing himself, gives a semi-coherent answer intended to persuade his interlocutors that they should be doing likewise.

Yeah, this was the first episode in which I've been able to see past my reflexive Little Britain-induced dislike and just enjoy the character.

I know a lot of names have become gender-ambiguous in recent years, but Brett Rossi does not sound like someone who has any business in a film called Lesbian Workout.

I don't want to seem judgmental, but if you watched The Craft and didn't want Fairuza Balk to win for at least two-thirds of its runtime, there is probably something wrong with you.

So Mary Ann Cotton is the pacifist child of a happy hippie family, she hates motorbikes and mutants and she loves corporations?

I think the nearest challenge in the modern era was when the Toclafane gleefully demonstrated the correct use of the word "decimation".

Better than the brussel sprout mask they gave the villain for a head?

As somebody who almost never even notices makeup, I too was very impressed by her blue eyeshadow.