
The Cardinal offering the Doctor confession reminded me a little of The Godfather part 2, which obviously is a good thing.

I loved it, but… would it have killed them to say "St John the Beheaded" just once?

… Damn. As burns go, that was a complete recital of Tam O'Shanter given in full kilt-sporran-dirk costume, with massively exaggerated accent, followed by an encore of To A Mouse.

*Manny fails to call anyone a beetch or a lesbeean*

They remade The Ladykillers, and it was mediocre.

Assholes are like opinions: Fox News likes them loud and live on air.

Yes, unless they're serving members of the British Army's Irish Guards regiment. In which case that's merely the appropriate (and appropriated) appellation.

I want him to have time for it to sink in. I want him to be forced to accept the magnitude of his failure. I want him to understand that he was brought down by his own arrogance and incompetence. I want him to live long enough to truly grasp just how utterly he has fucked himself.

I was sad when he died, because he was fascinating. I always hoped he and Jon would see past their mutual dislike and manage to work together long term. But it was the right death for the character, and I'm glad he went out self-righteous to the last.

Joffrey and Ser Alliser - two of the most hateable figures in the first season of Game of Thrones - share a birthday. Do David and Dan hate Tauruses, or something?

If they won't acknowledge the world's most morally upright Raptor crewman, they might at least credit him for the world's most incompetent yet badass FBI agent in Dollhouse.

One might almost say they're… fanatical about it.

4. Atia of the Julii. "I know who you are. I can see you. You're swearing now that someday you'll destroy me. Remember, far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go and look for them now."

There used to be a channel in Britain called, I kid you not, "Men And Motors".

The only reason I'm even aware this show exists is because I once found myself wondering what Kaitlyn "Loretta McCready" Dever was up to when she wasn't taking control of the Harlan weed game on Justified.

I dunno, maybe if she had somebody's back or something…

If Malcolm Merlyn is dying, he should be killed by Thea. She's earned that.

When you become evil, you automatically gain an 18 per cent hotness increase. It's science. Evil science.

How many of Ollie's birthday parties do you think he broke up back in the day?

Unlike many fictional characters, Felicity always buckles up.