
*Roy waits by the phone, parkours*

The first two years' worth just got him pumped, but after that the torture really started working.

It was a classic corridor fight (I don't know why people have been complaining about these lately; corridor fights are great), but with the twist of chainlink fencing instead of brick.

Malcolm could claim that Talia's goons count as a continuity faction of the League of Assassins, and therefore he's still technically Ra's al Ghul.

At least Black Goliath got to switch to just being "Goliath".

Next episode: Slade bitch-slaps Chase into submission, has a threesome with Nyssa and Talia, and then beats a resurrected, cybernetic, Dolph Lundgren in a nude wrestling match.

"Character" is a strong word, given how she was used in Suicide Squad.

Hey, the latest Archer shows that it does work sometimes.

I just love that Nyssa's greeting to Ollie was "Husband."

Which just goes to show Dorothy Parker was right: you can lead a horse to culture but you can't make it perceive the actual facts in the case and report on them with any degree of factual accuracy.

All I want to know is, how does Rocco demonstrate his supposed immortality?

5: Immortan! Witness me!

WOT: Fun Size.

There's a pathos to Poovey's imagine spots; they show them dreaming of a life surrounded by familial love, which Poovey clearly feels isn't available without a home full of rescued Chinese sex slaves. It's really quite beautiful that the most profane and violent character on the show secretly just wants to belong.

"Burgled" is correct in Britain, and he has shown occasional European sensibilities.

Everybody is attracted to Gina Gershon. You shouldn't read anything into it; it's just science.

So… Amy's knife. Gift from Rosa (who has promised to use it on her if Amy tells anybody their friendship is at the gift-giving stage)? I mean, it has to be. That was a fairly big knife. I'm pretty certain it's not police standard issue.

They don't need weapons. They're humanity's elite. Super-fit military men with brilliant minds, trained to adapt and survive in the face of impossible odds. The only men in the galaxy who could conceivably be better romantic partners than Leopold Fitz.

No, he's a legit badass. He has a sensei, you wouldn't know him, he teaches at another dojo, in Canada.

Ophelia's death was a little abrupt, but Radcliffe's quiet toasting of the apocalypse made up for it. Mallory Jensen and John Hannah have been absolutely fantastic all season, and it's a pity only one of them got a worthy exit.