
Ravi doesn't need to feel validated by other people's misfortune. He has sweaters.

I just loved the way Ravi and Major's sad talk about their life troubles was constantly interrupted by them both interjecting "Nazi".

*McGowan. It's Zack the sexy pirate from Black Sails and sex addict from Shameless, not Zach the sexy sheriff from The Vampire Diaries.

And yet they still manage to drive massive wedges between them. They're just massive wedges based on them having human reactions to fantastic problems, instead of absurd soap opera contrivance.

Sexy MODOK is a CW-level casting move.

I just assumed the chaos in the Framework was because YoYo woke up in an Inhuman experimentation facility which was in the process of being liberated by Mack and Ward.

I was genuinely scared for Piper. I figured no major characters would die this episode, but she was vulnerable.

Okay, that energy-shield face-slice Coulson pulled on the first Russian Pirate Sexbot was just awesome, and I will hear no counter-arguments.

I'm just here for Boo and Pennsatucky being friends. And Taystee being the boss. And Soso completely failing at learning to fight. And Maritza and Flaca's eternally glam friendship. And Morello and Nicky being back not-quite-together.

I thought that was his dog.

I discovered Patti Smith last month, which is embarrassing to admit even with the anonymity of the internet. But also wonderful.

We should probably also rule out modern gaming, because that's my answer. I stopped buying games when they started demanding you connect to the internet to play.

Dan likes romance novels. Ella likes porn with supernatural elements. Lucifer doesn't really bother with reading.

Given that Bonnie Rotten is known for her extensive tattoos*, I'm kind of assuming she plays the Max Cady-equivalent character.

Oh, come on. Major roles in four Scream movies, and they still mostly remember Ghostface Killah for his off-camera work?

That's a lie. Rosario Dawson was not born, she was built in a lab by a benevolent god.

So would that be Brooklyn Eighteen-Eighteen, or Brooklyn One-Nine-Eight?

But only because Chloe won't let her give Trixie knives.

Hellfires of Passion.