
… I didn't even get "triple Decker" until just now. It's perfect.

Lucifer and Amenadiel bickering and almost rochambo-ing over the Flaming Sword would be the comedy highlight in any episode which didn't feature Mazikeen pretending to be Chloe's wife (also, how great was it that this ended with the two of them happily teaming up to spread gossip and flush out Shauna Malwae-Tweep?).

It's actually a typo; it should read This Is Inland.

He gives good shirtless murderer.

*Insert obvious joke about Ana Mulvoys One through Nine being returned to the factory*

Is the solicitor's suicide in the original story, or was that added for this adaptation?

I would guess that Bill's friends hadn't been digested yet, so they could be spat back out. The ones from 20 years earlier had been fully consumed.

Listen, if we've learned one thing from Game Of Thrones, it's that nobody wants to watch little people play dramatic roles.

I think Pavel being stuck half eaten for a couple of days made it seem like the being eaten was a gradual, and therefore potentially reversible, process.

Plus she'd have had to find new housemates, which is difficult enough when you don't have to explain that all your friends have been murdered by an evil house.

In fairness, I think most of us, if given the choice, would rather go through the nightmarish logistics of wedding planning that go into a desperate life-or-death struggle with some kind of evil magic thingy that likes to murder people in creative ways.

How would you even achieve that? Set her on fire and then steal her dog?

The answer to your first question is True Love, or possibly to blave (which of course means to bluff).

Why on Earth would a woman be cast in the porn parody of Sherlock?

Because she's a Nazi sympathiser whose husband helped half the SS escape to a comfortable retirement?

Everything about that headline makes me glad I stopped watching Once Upon A Time.

Well, he was a bit of an imbecile.

My brother went to university in Bristol (this is set in Bristol, isn't it?). I remember he and his friends managed to find a student house that was spacious and affordable, and had wallpaper hanging off in sheets and one toilet out of three actually usable and something growing in one of the cupboards and a garden

The Doctor secretly gave her a whole boxful back in The Pilot.

The bit where Felicity/Florence ran away from the evil haunted house only to be attacked by a killer tree reminded me a little of Evil Dead. Although fortunately it wasn't too similar.