
But is Fake Ward better than Ward Meachum?

I was wondering about that. A long-term Evil Fitz arc could be interesting, but in the real world he'd have no power base, no assets, no allies… he could still become a major antagonist, but it's not an obvious choice. Which just means they'd have something to do with him in the front half of the season.

In addition to the above, bear in mind that the Darkhold may be evil, and intelligent. So it may have deliberately made the world evil.

Hydra Agent Barton also took out the Black Widow instead of recruiting her, and then retired to a nice farm upstate with Lindsay Weir.

So here's a question: If Aida is programmed to keep all promises, but knows she'll be able to break promises once she becomes a Real Girl, can she make promises with the intention of breaking them later?

And at least this way we won't have to shrug off him murdering a whole bunch of people and trying to kill Fitz and Simmons.

And we got to saw Aida leaving the framework, effectively killing my theory that she and Ophelia were distinct personalities.

Just point out to her that there were 300,000 aristocrats in pre-revolutionary France, and only about 18,000 of them were executed. So Belle's got a 94 per cent chance of surviving (probably higher when you factor in her being country nobility rather than part of the royal court).

"What would Draco do? He'd Avada Kedavra everybody and drink some Butterbeer."

I'm delighted that Lena realised that she could just punch the squishy human holding the remote controller - TV would be a far more intelligent place if more people realised that - but I just wish she'd realised it a little earlier, like when Evil Accountant Lady was monologuing.

The original is worth a look, not least because it's Clint Eastwood's only starring role as a villain.

Domhnall Gleeson, Evil Space Nazi (who nonetheless gets vast amounts of fanfic written about him because, apparently, Domhnall Gleeson is just that hot).

You're definitely onto something here, but I'd like to add a suggestion - and I'm just spitballing here - about how Barry could find out something really important and then just not tell anyone. How about that?

Flounder knows what he did.

It wasn't easy; everybody chipped in and did their part. But I think it helps that, when they were stupid, all of them made sure to be stupid in new and interesting ways, instead of repeating the same old stupidity all over again.

Michael and Connie Corleone share a birthday? Does this mean Don Corleone used to bone according to a calendar?

So much good TV, and also The Flash.

Still my favourite. Especially as it's just said so dismissively.

"Ma'am, you are unstable, and manipulative, and I worry about the genes you will pass down to our child. But your ex is worse."

I'd go out of sheer curiosity, but only if I was absolutely certain I'd get to go home at the end of it.