
I understand that if any more birthdays come pouring out your [actually rather nice] mouth, I'm gonna have to eat every fucking chicken in this thread.

How could the French do that? John Oliver spoke French for them! Terrible, terrible, French! Do you have any idea how hard it is for an Englishman to sacrifice his dignity to our Gallic neighbours like that?

Everyone occasionally needs their own version of the Two Minutes' Hate.

When do people listen to podcasts? I mean, do they just sit around at home, not doing anything important or reading anything, just listening like a 1930s family clustered around the wireless? Or are they strictly for people who have hour-long commutes?

Depressingly, hundreds of thousands of people are going to subscribe because they'll decide this is the only source of "real" news left in America.

… Is there any proof that Mary Poppins isn't a Time Lord?

Yeah, as somebody who finds almost any emoji more complicated than a smiley face to be highly ambiguous and confusing, I really do not approve of that.

And be kind of blatant about the fact that the Doctor's companion is into girls. Oh, wait.

Even with that, you've got the problem that she seems to change sides/snap out of it solely because the X-Men start winning the fight, having previously been completely unmoved by Apocalypse destroying Cairo and killing all her friends from earlier in the film, right in front of her.

Happiness will prevail.

Damn it, now I want that ending instead.

Bill says "wicked" and then discusses the ethics of blowing shit up. I'm counting that as a call back to Ace.

I know it's late, but I have a weird compulsion to correct this wherever I see it.

Dark Phoenix could work… but it probably won't.

Jean Grey discovered her ability to do Phoenix stuff and Phoenixed him so hard he went away.

I can't imagine trying to organise one of my family's Christmas gatherings into a cinema trip. It takes half an hour just to get everyone sat down for a meal. I remember one year we tried to play a board game, and couldn't get past the first turn because people kept getting called away to cook, lay tables, move

I figure they'll do it without the Hellfire Club, because they've already thrown away all of the characters except Harry Leland and Mastermind. Instead it'll just be Jean Grey being driven mad by too much power, Scott tries to talk her down… she also probably won't be a star-eating cosmic entity, just an uber-powerful

X-Men Apocalypse basically made Storm look like a psychopath. It was… worrying.

The corner they've written themselves into there is that anything less than a world-destroying supervillain can just be beaten up in 0.04 seconds by Quicksilver.

Oh, come on. Like she was even one of the ten worst things about that movie.