
Have I Got News For You could not be more timely. Because this fucking week.

I did not know there was such a thing, but now I clearly need to watch it to research whether your judgement is overly harsh. Yep, just for research purposes.

I will just not watch Carla Gugino in all sorts of things. But I'm sure those projects' problems were totally not her fault.

Bettie Page would be worth the risk.

I will never say a bad word about Carla Gugino in anything.

You should have got her to sign an Ivory Snow box.

The entire cast, and all the characters, deserve better than the X-Men movie franchise.

Toby Stephens has just finished giving what I think will stand as one of the all-time great TV performances in Black Sails. His Captain Flint was absolutely magnificent. His mum must be so proud.

I finally watched The Duff earlier this week, and Robbie Amell was charming and likeable. He should be in more stuff. As should Mae Whitman, obviously, but it's not her birthday. Is it?

He'll always be the Comedian to me.

Jessica Lange's birthday yesterday had me wondering how old Jack Nicholson is now. Turns out he's turning 80, which according to the Jack Nicholson Girlfriend Equation means the age of his paramours must have dropped below 20.

Really, he should have played the father of John Hamm and Kevin Bacon.

I'm aware that the porn industry is deeply exploitative and treats people like shit. I wasn't aware that they were actually able to use that as a selling point.

There's a lot of reasons to be down on the 1976 King Kong, but Jessica Lange as Dwan (not a typo) is not one of them.

Wait, is that large bugs, ordinary sized worms, and ordinary sized Clint Howard? Or large bugs, large worms, and large Clint Howard?

Yeah, they even had the shot of her studying the memorial to the children whose deaths she thinks she caused, earlier in the episode.


It's a hard bargain, but I think we got the best of it.

Loki's motivations were constantly shifting throughout the first Thor film, but that worked because Hiddlestone managed to convey his changing desires. Unfortunately it also left him with no definitive goal for his follow-up appearances. Does he want to kill Odin, or be loved by him? Does he love Thor, or hate him? Is