
They're broken up. That means they have to divide assets. Including Ravi.

The impromptu bluegrass concert was one of my favourite throwaway jokes.

Favourite tiny Dad!Liv detail: Her careful use of "whom" instead of "who" when talking to the paranoid neighbour.

The problem I have is that I find shows like The Flash, on which the writers (and the characters) keep wasting their potential by repeating the same dumb mistakes, endlessly frustrating. Watching it and Agents of SHIELD close together just makes me more upset with these mistakes. Sometimes it's hard not to vent.

Mack'll be all "I told a lie in order to save my not-real daughter! I'm a monster!" and May and Fitz will be sitting across from him in the group therapy sessions going: "Dude, we literally tortured Daisy, murdered a whole bunch of people, and at least one of us had virtual sex with an evil AI."

The "happy" ending would be to leave Radcliffe in there (which would also mean they could occasionally bring John Hannah back as a guest star).

You never know, it could turn out to actually be the soap.

No, Simmons' barely restrained disgust at Ward's declarations of love for Skye was the high point of the episode. I will never get bored of people loathing Grant Ward.

Well, yes, but how would you work a Willow reference into that?

It's pronounced "Sorsha", like Joanne Whalley's character in Willow, for those of you who were wondering.

I know, right? But who would he play? Thortain Starmerica's sidekick, or something?

Who knew Harriet Tubman had such giant Hulk hands?

… You see, at times like this I find myself wishing there was some kind of database of movies on the internet that I could use to check these things and avoid looking like an idiot.

I can see a scenario of the entire precinct turning up at the hospital with balloons and flowers, only to be told that "Miss Linetti is not receiving supplicants at this time", because Gina refuses to be seen without perfect nails.

Okay, just to be clear: Our love for TImothy Olyphant should not blind us to the fact that Live Free Or Die Hard is a piece of crap. William Atherton's freaky naked Tai Chi was good and disturbing, but really Die Hard With A Vengeance is the best of the sequels, and that extends to its villains. Jeremy Irons wins the

Basically, very much so. After the Brexit vote the Conservatives were in chaos, but Labour were too busy trying to backstab their own leader to take advantage. The Lib Dems lost all credibility thanks to their role in Cameron's coalition, and happily even after Brexit everybody still hates Ukip. So the Conservatives

Well, most of Britain isn't exactly behind our current government. Most of the current government has no idea what Boris is going to say or do next. So, while I haven't taken a poll… maybe.

So… does "Whip" seem like a good nickname for your cellmate to have? I mean, as prison nicknames go it's kind of intimidating without being explicitly racist or murder-related.

Jeremy Clarkson has many faults, and only one virtue, although it is a great virtue: He once punched Piers Morgan.

Who knew that the secret to getting a Dracula series to go to eight installments was just changing the vampire's name?