
By "good booze" I meant "men who were still alive, had all their limbs attached, and weren't PTSDed to a degree we can't even imagine".

When I'm on my deathbed, I'm planning on saying "You should have killed me when you had the chance" to whoever's there.

He watched a lot of old war movies shortly before his coma.

Or possibly a 100-year-old heroin junkie.

What, you wanted to leave the drinks cabinet behind? Have you ever been to Berlin?

Woodhouse's awards mean - especially if they were picked up during the First World War - that he was an officer for at least part of his military career. Since we know he was Reggie's batman (which is not a job an officer could hold), he presumably managed to get in a sneaky field commission at some point before the

It is customary at these times to chide the US for being late to the party, but the counterpoint to that is that at least you guys brought the good booze.

1. Tried to kill a guy named Merlin.

That's actually the same one, only from the future; she travelled back through a wormhole to warn the world before it's too late.

Peyton List? The dudes down at the Disney Cloning Facility are really getting unoriginal in their naming conventions.

Plus they'll presumably still be sending out mercenaries to do mercenary stuff. That may help occasionally.

You don't find accountancy inherently endearing?

Nobody calls it that. Stop trying to make Team Z a thing.

The nail removal is highly suspicious.

Yep. He doesn't remember doing all those murders, but he definitely still has the killer instinct.

… You're right, we may be over-thinking this. There probably is no Thanos or Asgard or anything like that.

Ghost Rider, killer robots, evil magic, mad scientists, Terminator references, evil politicians, sexy Russians, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles…

Well, Ward's dad does turn out to be an evil member of a mystic ninja cult.

*Said while standing really still so that the clumsy giant ray-gun can be aimed at him*

Short version: Captain Flint used to be a Royal Navy officer called James McGraw, until he fell in love with Thomas, Lord Hamilton. Society judged them etc., Thomas was locked up in Bedlam and later reported to have killed himself, and McGraw ran away with Lady Hamilton to become a pirate.