
True, but there are nuances. Some Nazis want to conquer the world and murder anybody who speaks out against them, and some Nazis just really, really, hate Jewish people.

Yeah, mostly my reaction to other people's weird fetishes is that if that's what does it for you and it's not hurting anybody I guess that's fine. But in this case it feels like everyone involved should be on some kind of watchlist.

You've just highlighted the biggest plot hole in the entire damn season: This version of Fitz supposedly has had his greatest regret removed, yet he somehow doesn't have a pet monkey.

I thought The Incident was when the girl May didn't kill caused the death of a whole bunch of people.

Is that back for season 2 yet? In the UK it was shown on the Sony Channel, which I'd never even heard of before.

Plus, storylines in which characters make rational, well-informed decisions, and the bad guys are dangerous despite that.

It's definitely more background viewing, and it fails badly on most of the fights. But it's probably worth watching for Colleen Wing and Ward Meachum (who starts out terrible and gradually becomes the character you empathise with most, as he becomes more and more pissed off at the ridiculous story he's found himself

You can't call her a zombie. That's a loaded term, not yet reclaimed by the differently-mortal community.

I just kept thinking: Damn it, somebody offer her a water. Her throat must be dry from two years in the dirt.

Lucifer for comedy.

If Thor's still trapped on Earth, that means Loki is chilling in Asgard as Odin's heir. Thanos's goons seem to have been pointed towards Earth by Loki, so presumably right now he's still sitting on his big floaty chair waiting for someone to tell him where the Tesseract is hiding.

Agent Benedict Wardnold
Agent Headshot O'Betrayal
Agent Jawbreaker McPunchy

I just wanted her to check under the sweater for bullet holes.

What do we know about Fitz's dad? That line from him about not trusting anybody made it sound like his dad was somebody significant.

In the long run, this could actually be really healthy for May. Having to kill a child messed her up a whole lot, but at least now she gets to see what might have happened if she hadn't.

Maybe this time the good guys could throw him in front of a truck.

Nah, he just loves to betray stuff.

Well, A) He's James Franco.

I watched the first episode of Hellcats because my housemate at the time insisted on it. I never bothered with the second; I just watched Bring It On again (but not Bring It On Again. That film needs no sequels).