
Always remember Rule 34.

Have we forgiven Barry Pepper for Battlefield Earth yet? I mean, obviously Forest Whitaker gets a pass for being Forest Whitaker, while conversely John Travolta keeps digging deeper with every terrible wig. But I'm not sure where we stand on Barry Pepper.

Fake Australian, Real Australian, Real Australian.

iZombie is the best and smartest dumb show on TV, and I cannot wait for it to come back.

Another frakking skinjob.

Did she turn into a trainwreck? I don't think I've seen her in anything since Easy A, but she was good in She's The Man.

This is a normal length WOT. We are all happy with our normal length WOT. We have always had WOTs this normal length. Do not worry. If you are not happy with this perfectly normal length WOT, there are people who will come round to your house and remind you to be happy.

Looking over Ben Mendelsohn's IMDb has reminded me that they're making yet another Robin Hood movie, this time with Bono's daughter as Maid Marian.

So… how about that Black Sails finale? They kind of went full goat farm, except I don't think either Silver or Rackham can be considered a reliable narrator in any way. But Toby Stephens' last scene with Silver was a thing of utter beauty.

All have betrayed and abandoned her, except her stylist.

I guess nobody's told you about The Band.

Cersei would see nothing ironic whatsoever in poisoning the rightful monarch.

Wait, I thought the one who died was the evil twin; that's why the good guys all stabbed him.

At least according to her long-form birth certificate.

Well, I say Cersei definitely won both the walk-off and the "best outfit" contest.

Oh, come on. Like those guards would have been able to see anything through the sheet of solid glass that was blocking the window.

All these Black Canaries, and none of them have found true fulfilment in a relationship with a red-headed computer genius yet.

So… from her reaction, we're all guessing that Felicity's little hacker buddy already has a Felicity Smoak shrine collage, right?

Katie Hopkins has breached containment? Damn it, keeping her as a strictly internal problem was our duty. Our duty, damn it!

Honestly, I feel like we should. But Brexit is happening. We're not going to have any money.