
Don't worry. Thirty days of this and ISIS will be defeated. Just you wait. Thirty days.

Theosiphus Rhubarb Schmidt?

Hey, remember that one What If which was "what if Wolverine fought Conan the Barbarian?" and the answer turned out to be: "Conan accidentally destroys the universe by throwing a rock at Cyclops' head"?

She was married to Coyote Shivers from Empire Records? This amuses me.

Some people are like fine wine - they're made out of grapes by an obnoxious Frenchman.

A polar bear fell on me, that's what.

The only one to still be relevant in the 2010s.

Sister Wives XXX: A Porn Parody

He's gone right toe the top.

Which Fergie? The Duchess, the football manager, or the Black Eyed Pea?

Road House is the greatest movie ever made in which a mulleted Patrick Swayze rips out the throat of a karate murderer who used to fuck guys like him in prison.

And by "weird" we mean "massively inbred".

I typed that before scrolling down. Shou Lao throwing the fight to troll K'un Lun is now my new headcanon.

He learned English from watching Guy Ritchie movies.

You see, now I'm imagining Danny just passive-aggressively meditating really intensely while Colleen sits on the far side of the room.

Lei Kung, The Thunderer: "So, boss, y'know how my son is up for Iron Fist this year?"

I was two-thirds expecting Kallus to break free and stab Thrawn at the moment of victory, giving his life to save the rebels. Of course, that probably wouldn't have been particularly artistic.

KGBeast in the comics dates back to the 80s, and even then the story began with the Soviets sending a guy to tell the Americans: "So we, uh, we may have accidentally created an unstoppable assassin who has now gone rogue."

Rocky (the Sylvester Stallone character) fought Dolph and yelled "Adrian" a lot.

I would guess: Making Thea a badass.