
Comic-book Roy managed to combine fatherhood, parkouring, and fighting crime. I'm not saying Colton Haynes should be held to the same high standards as a one-armed ex-junkie, but it's still possible.

… I can't believe how long it took me to get that. Truly terrible.

Getting your toes smashed with a hammer while listening to Nickelback >>> Speedforce Lucid Dream Therapy sessions.

Sometimes the dismissive death works. You have the character effectively die in the background, and then other characters have to react to it later, with the realisation that in all the fuss something important happened, and they didn't have a chance to deal with it.

Well, Thea and Merlyn are absent, but not dead; if they did have Tommy back, I have to assume they'd also bring them both in to react a bit.

That would explain the Crusades starting 590 years early, and 60 years before the birth of Muhammad.

Yeah, that was my assumption. I want to say he realises how dark he's got, and goes back to the island to have a think about things, but since he started season one happily murdering dudes that wouldn't really work.

Although I was slightly confused by the way everyone on the team was just all: "Oh, the Blood of Christ, sir Gawain, Crusades, yep, the history checks out."

Every season since Sara died has been worse than the season with Sara in it. I'm not saying that's why they've been worse, but there's definitely some connection.

Hey, spoilers! Some of us don't bother watching The Flash until later.

I remembered her, but it's been, what, about ten episodes since she was last seen?

Hey, we didn't see what was going on in the rest of the city while Ollie was being tortured. Next episode will open with Team Arrow emerging from a newly shut-down Arrowcave to find cats and dogs are cohabiting, frogs are raining from the sky, and a desperate Captain Detective Officer Deputy Mayor Lance has had to

Why do you think they kept cutting to the present during that fight? It's hard to convincingly sell anybody beating Dolph. Even Jet Li.

I'm two-thirds of the way through an Orphan Black rewatch, and I recently got to the episode where Mark removes his own tattoo. So I recognised it right away, and started wincing well before he got to work.

Dolph Lundgren is clearly enjoying the heck out of being a gigantic villain. His fight with Oliver would have been a good note to go out on, and I'm genuinely conflicted as to whether we need more of him.

The Sexual Liberation of Anna Lee sounds like a wonderfully positive tale from the normally deeply exploitative porn industry.

I really liked Monsters Vs Aliens. Hugh Laurie can make even a cockroach likable.

They seemed to be having the same trouble focusing on her face that they always had with Calista Flockhart.

Alex being all "you are my girlfriend that means you are not allowed to do your actual job" had me looking for things to throw at the screen.

Y'know, Kara is super-lucky that the teleport museum she dived into was the type of beam that can handle two people without accidentally splicing them together into an unspeakable two-headed monster. I don't know, maybe all teleporters are perfectly safe in this universe. Still, I'm surprised nobody - not even Winn -