
Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night (I guess the one painting Supergirl assumed its audience would definitely recognize)

On a similar note, Suicide Squad had… uh… give me a minute here…

They made a porn film set in the exciting, cutthroat, world of magazine page design?

The ghost of… the sister of… a person who doesn't exist?

Yes, Gary Oldman can overact magnificently and everybody is going to cite Leon. But he's also marvelous in more subtle roles, and brought a quiet world-weariness to Commissioner Gordon that fit the character perfectly.

… Oh, hey, The Mick is back tonight. Hopefully it will remain as delightfully crass.

That reminds me: I should probably get round to watching last week's episode of The Flash.

31: The rare actor whose real name sounds more like a comic-book character than the character he plays.

She was perfectly cast as a sexbot in Dark Matter.

Westworld also makes the best use of James Marsden since ever (or at least since Enchanted).

And running up a massive room service bill.

So is this jar of Marmite I have on my desk for unknown reasons.

… He did, which is why he was at that temple to question Talia.

After that fight, I was ready to complain about how shitty the choreography was this episode.

When Ollie got shot in the leg, I assumed it would be Evelyn. I mean, did we ever find out what became of her? Hells, did they even tell Dinah? "Oh, by the way, there was another Substitute Black Canary before you. She knows all our secret identities and kind of hates us."

69ing Putin? How dare you suggest such a thing!

That must have been round about the time they rolled out Freeview in Britain, because I remember having a music channel for the first time ever. It seemed to play nothing but Blurry by Puddle of Mudd and that Nickelback song from the first Spider-Man film.

Since nobody else seems to be crass enough to say it, I would like to reiterate what has been said many times before: Alexandra Daddario, good grief.

One of those films I just have to watch whenever it's on, no matter how late it is and how early I have to get up the next day.

"I'm crazy? Maybe the whole damn system is crazy!"