
I really should not need to say this, but: Do not kidnap the AV Club's office cat and hold it to ransom for better WOTs.

I find Pollyanna McIntosh's relentless positivity somewhat grating.

Well, America used to have a president who people respected. Things change.

I've recently started The Expanse, and it looks great so far (three episodes in).

It's James Frain! Quick, shoot him in the face right now, it'll save time later.

Also, technically the longest-running actor in the Buffyverse, by dint of appearing in both the unaired pilot for Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the final episode of Angel.

Meanwhile, on British TV, Eric Monkman returns on tonight's University Challenge. After Wolfson's narrow defeat by Edinburgh two weeks ago, I do not doubt that he will be bringing the fire, the fury, and the facial expressions.

But that was my show!

Eh, it fits the concept of rape by deception. Which is a real crime in common law, but ridiculously difficult to prove.

D'oh. That's the second time I've got stupidly confused as to what Wedge looks like. It's far too long since I've watched the original trilogy.

He helped rebuild their mansion. How can they hold global devastation and millions dead against him after that?

Nah, you just need to know who Wolverine and Professor X are, and then it'll work fine.

Storm had just enough dialogue to establish that A) she had friends living in Cairo, B) she had no objections to Cairo being destroyed, and C) she clearly wasn't being mind controlled, because she changed sides the moment Apocalypse looked like losing.

David Attenborough has seen some shit, man. He has seen it.

Plus, it continued the series' ever-accelerating trend of causing massive civilian casualties, then ignoring them in the happy ending.

I'm happy that Jaimie Alexander is presumably getting TV star money for Blindspot, but I wish we could have had more Sif. Maybe a couple of guest arcs on Agents of SHIELD, or something.

Gwen Ihnat: The hero WOT deserves, and the one we need right now.

Maybe that's why he's going to grow his famous moustache - to make himself look older.

I liked the Imperial Nerd Squad, and was disappointed when their Space AWACS got blown up. It was intriguing to see something completely different in terms of the Imperials, and I would have liked to see them recur.

And this is why you shouldn't hug your children. It gives them unrealistic expectations.