
Yeah, she basically mind-controlled Tara into having sex with her.

I thought we were meant to accept that Dawn summoned Sweet, and Xander was just covering for her. I mean, him doing magic would be pretty out of the blue, but Dawn stealing stuff and messing around with stuff she shouldn't is right in character.

Yeah, but his answer to question 9 makes it clear he understands the difference between a great character and a good person.

I know I can get away with horribly brutal murders just by sucking in my cheeks a little and sneering.

Given the fact that she apparently has a very dirty mind, I can think of another reason she might have loved the musical episode - Under Your Spell was the dirtiest song in the episode, and a hot contender for the title of filthiest thing on the whole show.

So basically everybody thinks Spike is the best, except the guy who actually got to be him (and never forgot that he was a monster with a body count in the thousands).

Marvel's racist Dracula would disagree with you, if he wasn't so busy firing vampires at Britain out of cannons from his castle on the Moon.

She could have become a particularly gruesome serial killer, but then Morgan Freeman would probably have hunted her down.

I only started watching the TV show because a friend of mine had loved this movie. When I eventually saw it, I really didn't understand why. But still, I owe it that much.

It should have been obvious after he starred in The Matrix.

Ah, the Magic Bone. Never forget.

Adam himself was nothing special, but I will fight for season four regardless. It had one of the all-time greatest comedy episodes in Something Blue, followed by Spike's discovery of the joy of murdering demons. It had This Year's Girl and Who Are You, a perfect continuation of Faith's story. And most importantly it

He's not even a Victorian.

I never watched X-Men Evolution, but I always saw Willow as a close parallel to the comic-book Kitty. I mean, she’s a computer genius teenager who then gets badass super-powers, hangs out and is possibly gay with a blonde witch who may or may not be a demon (Magik – officially not, and definitely; Tara – very

With the axe-holding mime as he says it.

That one, alas, I have never been able to work into a conversation.

Might as well have called him "Desperate-For-A-Shag Giles".

I remember when he first appeared, my little brother and I sat in Hampshire discussing whether his accent was meant to be Australian or South African.

"Is that why you're always cleaning your glasses? So you don't have to see what we're doing?"

Well, he was the original guitarist for Pink Floyd.