
"Tell you what I'll do, then. I'll head out, find this girl, tell her exactly where all of you are, and then watch as she kills you… Can't any one of your damned little Scooby club at least try to remember that I hate you all?"

While still in full Spike costume.

Sometimes, I'm sad that I know so few Buffy fans in real life. And then, every so often, I get to use that line, and I'm grateful.

Also the origin story for his awesome coat.

That's some interesting stuff about Seeing Red, and a great interview overall.

Something something "take that big bat of his"…

Do you think the failure to replicate the incorrect spelling of "Inglourious" was a deliberate attempt to avoid being sued, or a result of poor production standards? Because if it's the latter, I kind of feel like that film probably isn't worth watching.

Given that it was James Van Der Beek's birthday yesterday, he's probably only just waking up right now. In Saskatchewan. To the discovery that after he passed out Chloe handcuffed him to the bar in The Man Hole, and stole his wallet.

And if so, couldn't we have done the whole potential thing five years earlier just by drugging Buffy a couple of times?

Her goal in the room didn't matter. She didn't get anywhere near Angelus until after he had pulled out the sword. What would she have done differently if she had known?

No way Nicholas Brendon would choose the episode where Xander got to be deflowered by Faith as least favourite.

Angelus opening a portal to hell that could only be closed by shoving him into it caused Buffy to have to send Angel to hell. Xander's lie was dickish, but he bears no responsibility for the hell-trip.

Hey, lying to Buffy in season two was a dick move, but it in no way influenced whether or not she was going to have to send Angel to hell. That was inevitable from the moment Angelus pulled out the sword.

I think it's pretty clear that none of the Legends really understand how time travel works. I mean, this episode they were worried that finding Rex was taking too long, and the Legion could already be ahead of them.

Sad to hear, because I love me some pulpy kung fu action. I even enjoyed The Man With The Iron Fists, despite its flaws.

Ptonomy says you are. And he's pretty certain he'd know if you weren't.

4. Hey, it's Chloe's straight gay BFF! The Beek from the Creek!

Yeah, like that's impressive.

The AVClub Overlords would like to point out that there is no Alex McLevy, there has never been an Alex McLevy, and anyone who claims to have read something by Alex McLevy is clearly a suppressive person, and should be dealt with accordingly.

Well, that started funny and charming, then got slightly creepy, and then finished very dark indeed.