
Also known as D-Rock, Jizzy Gillespie, Jack and the Giant Jack-Off, Tinkerballs, Wadzilla, No Erection, The Pointless Giant Douche, Weaseley's Nutsacks, 12 Years A Slave to Jerking Off Over His Own TV Show, Supercalifragilisticexpialiorangedickcheese, Old-Age Mutant Ninja Asshole, Spewbacca, Jolly Orange Jizzface, and

The First. He didn't even have a body.

The Mayor, always. How many villains can fit becoming invincible into the same day as a meeting with the PTA and a haircut?

Tom Felton is definitely the best thing about this season, if only because the current Wells is such a step down.

Yes, it was, and like most of the cast and crew, I got it out of my system early on.

And then they could get back to find that Cadmus had taken over the Earth, or at least National City, and have an arc of joining the resistance, trying to work out whether Lena was on their side or not, persuading Snapper to speak out against the new regime, etc.

Yeah, I was wondering why Winn didn't just use his alien Google and tell her: "Okay, the hyperdrive is bottom left. Break that and it'll buy us another infinity minutes to work with."

At this point she's basically only kept on staff because she's Supergirl's sister.

Lincoln's death retroactively justified his existence. But after the character's treatment in Batman V Superman, I really don't want to see them kill off Jimmy Olsen yet again. No matter how awesomely they do it.

Hells, Snapper could even have gone off after the interview and written a story that says: "Supergirl claims aliens are being abducted. We don't know if she's telling the truth, but you deserve to know what your hero is claiming."

1) Hey, Guardian? What exactly was it about your grappling hook that prevented that slaphead from pulling the trigger and putting a bullet-shaped hole clean through Alex?

But how does the chocolate bar being smaller make it more fun? Even as a child, I had problems with that label.

But, on the other hand, no Bruce Baxter.

Free the WOT Bringlancers!

Tobias Menzies: Stabbed a corpse, then felt bad about it, on Rome.

I guess this is a format change. Or adjustment. A slight adjustment to the format, snuck in while we weren't looking. Except we are.

Yael Stone's IMDb picture used to show her with a shaved head, which made an interesting contrast with Morello.

Well, Disraeli opposed Gladstone on absolutely everything and Gladstone's hobby was cutting down trees. So Disraeli was probably green just to piss him off.

Nice try, Got Ham.