
Any theories on why Vigilante proved almost completely incapable of hitting any of Team Arrow even when shooting at stationary targets at near point blank range? When he missed Ollie after the car crash I assumed it was because Chase was Vigilante, and was faking an assassination attempt to buy time, but what followed

That would explain how Vigilante did the ninja vanishing-in-mid-fall trick.

Her only non-Arrowverse IMDb credit for this year is voicing Aqua in Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue, which as titles for things go is definitely one.

Also, this was the limousine crash that convinced Thea not to go riding in them with Ollie? I guess you could say she chalked that time they were in a limousine that crashed and then their mother got brutally stabbed to death in front of them up to pure happenstance, and this is just recognising an emerging pattern,

Did anybody else assume Thea would have an attack of conscience and throw herself under the bus? It would have been a good way to get her out of politics and back to doing violence. Anyway, the end result was the same (at least as far as getting her out of politics), so it's all good.

Appropriate, given her namesake.

You really don't need to change the words of that song.

Nathalie Emmanuel: Clickbait has some advice on dating her.

I always assumed Bryce Dallas Howard was a Texan cousin of Ron Howard. Bryce Howard, of the Dallas Howards.

I'm old-fashioned enough to assume a "revenge body" is one that's covered in knives. Please don't correct me if I'm wrong.

Oh, so it's us you care about? Well, don't worry. We're okay. You can let go.

Yes, it's a relatively obscure freeware program developed in the 1990s, and if you actually think that's what the US military uses to control its nuclear weapons systems, I fear for you.

What do programmes have to do with it? This is a combination designed to be entered manually on a keypad, on a system which was specifically stated to predate modern computer technology. The code would have been manually set, and there's no reason whatsoever for a security-minded human being to just casually eliminate

Subjugate and oppress.

You missed out two 10s. 10 x 10 x 10 is 1,000.

If there wasn't a zero, the number of combinations would be 59,049. He's wrong either way.

People telling themselves (and each other) how heroic they are is the single biggest problem I have with the Arrowverse (and Supergirl). It's never "I want to help people" or "I want to do good"; it's always "I want to be a hero".

Yeah, but at least he won't have thrown away three metric tonnes of uneaten breakfast food.

I get that breaking up is hard and some people have trouble moving on. But it's been two years, Jenna. You need to get over it. Find a new show. Find some actual friends. Take up macramé. Just… learn to love yourself. This kind of bitterness isn't healthy.

Casablanca is on TV constantly. You don't need to have watched "all the classics" in order to like that film a lot.