
Cable is a lawyer. Harvard Law School, class of '88. Passed the bar the following year.

Just don't get him to dislike you as much as he did Matsu'o.

Have I found the other two Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome fans?

The problem with Edgerton is, he's only six years younger than Jackman. That's not quite Moore-replacing-Connery bad, but it's probably not going to give him much longevity in such a physically intense role.

Except when she's getting Jubilee to lick her neck.

*Butler drops silver tea tray*

That is absolutely the nicest thing they did to her.

Janis deserves better.

*Today's birthdays section will run long, thanks to an 11-minute montage set to Katey Sagal singing*

Or like when Agents of SHIELD had two Mays, the real one and Agent 33.

I can't believe how many people are falling for these fake reviews.

How about… Obama ran for president, gained huge traction, but narrowly lost the nomination and agreed to be Ellis's VP. Hence still being in the public eye, while Diamond Joe Biden is off selling weed to bored housewives in the greater DC-Metro area.

Also, even without powers he was able to sack up and go into action. He's weak, but not a coward.

Ugh, yes. I'm instinctively predisposed to dislike anyone who calls themselves a hero, and I never liked Emma very much.

Also, Mick persists in calling Ray "haircut", even though Nate's hair clearly takes 90 minutes of styling every morning.

One thing Agents of SHIELD does right: Nobody ever calls themselves a hero, or declares "being a hero" to be their goal. They try to do the right thing, and heroism results.

Black Widow went to the weirdest ballet school.

I said "sparking", not "getting up on its own to murder the shit out of whoever cut it off".

I know him from the teacher who ran the film club at my school being a big fan of Yakuza movies, starting with Sonatine.

Single best scene in that film.