
This episode probably made a lot more sense to those of us who grew up watching The Crystal Maze with Richard O’Brien.

Probably the greatest writer of Manly Stories of Manly Men in comics.

Oh, come on. It wouldn't be a proper episode of Sherlock if Molly wasn't completely underused and treated like shit.

The following season Summer Glau would play a recurring role on Dollhouse, which would duly be cancelled in turn.

I enjoyed Romeo Must Die. It had several good action sequences, and probably also a plot.

Did The Crystal Maze ever make it to America? Or Fort Boyard?

Birgitte Hjort Sorenson was Karsi the super-badass Wilding chief who then got eaten by kid zombies because we're not allowed to have nice things.

I'm pretty certain the biggest Frozen fan is my four-year-old cousin, who loves to sing Let It Go over and over.

Holy Trinity, Batman.

I think it's more the way the promotional material makes it clear that what they mean is "The Sexy Pope".

Would that it were so simple.

… I did once read an article that claimed that Hitler's relationship with Geli Raubal was quite, uh, presidential. I don't think there's any actual evidence for that, though.

I didn't start listening to music until I was in my 20s. Then one day I realised that this was one of the weirder things about me (on a very long list), and decided to correct it. The first step was making it known to my family that I would like them to give me CDs for Christmas, of whatever they thought I should

She's the only one who walked away from Omelas.

Which Tahani definitely hasn't noticed, and which definitely isn't going to rankle with her. She's fine with it, really.

Murdering. Michael's casual use of "murder" is one of several high points in that scene.

My father spent a chunk of his childhood living with his extremely Scottish grandmother. He and his siblings still shudder about the cuisine.

I'm still amused by the way he timed things so every critic on the planet ended up having to review it twice in one week.

I have no idea. Because firstly it's rare, and secondly I've only eaten Mexican food about four times in my life, so I have no real point of comparison. Especially as one of those times was in Taco Bell, when I visited Los Angeles.