
… And the rest of the AV Clubbers take a moment to reflect on how lucky they are to not have friends, if that's the kind of complexity it brings to your life.

You remember "Comical Ali", AKA Muhammad Saeed al-Sahhaf, who was claiming that American forces had been routed despite the fact that you could actually see their tanks behind him? Yeah, like that.

They also show Don't Trust the B in Apartment 23 in broadcast order.

Fun Fact: All references to Taco Bell were edited out of the British release of Demolition Man, because nobody Over Here had ever heard of the place back then.

I listen to a lot of stuff, but I have a terrible voice; most of the time I don't even try to sing. But when I'm drunk and stumbling home late at night, there's a less-than-zero chance you'll find me slurring the words to Time by Tom Waits.

Wait, so the Naevia who isn't Mazikeen shares a birthday with Mazikeen's best friend?

And also velociraptors.

But that would have increased the risk of the staffer not instantly seeing through her "disguise", which would have put their whole plan in jeopardy.

I know people - well, a person - who enjoyed Salvation and insists it's a decent movie.

That was definitely too soon, at least for Fitz.

He just wants to watch.

Obviously Mack and Yo-Yo win Most Valuable Pairing for the episode, but Mace and Daisy made decent runners-up.

Damn it, and thank you.

I love Doomsday far too much. It's like Neil Marshall went back in time and asked my 13-year-old self what he wanted to see in a movie, scribbled it all down on a napkin, and then filmed exactly what he'd written down.

Bring It On. I could never argue that this film is high art, but it is pure and undiluted joy.

I still say Riley was a better option than the creepy stalker 250 years Buffy's senior who'd been perving on her since she was 15 and turned into a mass murderer whenever they had sex.

Some people like dry white toast.

Anyone have any idea when the new season of It's Always Sunny… will be coming to Netflix in the UK? I binged it last year, and now my patience is wearing thin.

Or get kicked in the testicles with spectacular force by an adorable schoolgirl.

Eh, she was good on Sesame Street, I say give her a chance.