
How do you think it looks to people who aren't slowly approaching her from a low angle?

I can understand finding Manu Bennett's angry rasp sexy. I can understand finding it compelling, or intimidating, or just impressive. But beautiful seems weirdly out of place on that list.

Why are the Dominators such a threat? I mean, they knocked Barry down once - which basically every metahuman in Central City has done - and his immediate reaction was: "Oh no, better call Supergirl. And everyone else."

That's a trap. It's tempting to follow the Undefeated Gaul to Hades and back, but next thing you know you're watching The Shannara Chronicles.

And Thinmanda Waller, and Boomerang.

Yeah, she seemed already beaten after Flash beat her up at high speed. Having Kara then fly in just for some extra violence and then be all smug and happy about it was… pretty disturbing to watch.

*Roy wears tuxedo, drinks cocktails, parkours*

I miss Slade, and McKenna Hall.

Yeah, my exact thought. Right down to not being able to remember his name.

The space chase was the first time I got any sense whatsoever of the Dominators as a credible threat, instead of just Barry panicking and going: "Oh no, aliens! This looks like a job for Supergirl!" without even trying to fight them.

That kind of shameless stunt casting is just going to bring the show down. Even further down, that is.

I think he has to take your guns first. And he's going to do that soon. Any day now.

I like my zombies like I like my Satans.

Do you really need to be that much better than the bad guy? Couldn't you be better than him by just, you know, shooting him in the head instead of savagely beating him with a baseball bat? I mean, that would still make you better than him.

Negan and Lucille? Did JDM say anything about Lucille? Has anybody talked to the bat's people? I mean, it can't be much fun performing wrapped in barbed wire, and you don't want to get typecast. That bat probably got into acting after watching The Sandlot, and dreams of a lead role in Damn Yankees. But no, it's stuck

That gets you a special meeting with the headmaster. He chivvied Rory out of his office to make way for them.

Maybe Chad Michael Murray made too many demands. That would be a total Chad move.

Wheels within wheels, man.

My reaction too, so I did some googling.

Doctor Strange has portals in it? OMG spoilerz!!1!