
You can get a little more history and a lot more Anglo-Saxon dickery from the books - the first season of The Last Kingdom covers the first two, although it elides a whole bunch of characters, and almost all of the stuff involving ships.

Who, just like the Brexiters, had strong support from the Daily Mail. Which also really liked Hitler.

But on a positive note, watching this made me appreciate The Force Awakens more than I had done.

For some reason Cumberbatch makes me feel incredibly apathetic. As in, I'm a serious Marvel fanboy but I haven't felt the slightest urge to watch this film.

The conventional wisdom on U2 has long been "80s good, 90s bad", but it's intriguing to see just how quickly that made itself manifest.

I thought that was a reference to the Winchester Mystery House.


Ah, but the Wookiee gestation period is 22 months…

I do wonder if the occasional Lena Dunham references were meant to be a commentary on how Rory was basically a Girls character, but I've only watched two episodes of Girls so I'm not qualified to comment.

I've got to admit, things got darned dusty when Lorelai was telling that birthday story.

I watched it all in one go (with a brief break to acquire food, so you can tell I'm not a true fan), so I can't really separate my thoughts episode by episode. So some of this will be kind of off topic.

But who was it in the wookiee suit?

Would you scribe it upside-down,
Or on a sign in London town?

Bud id hurdth.

I'm weirdly opposed to fruit, nuts, and marshmallows in my ice cream (and, indeed, in everything else), so my standby is Half Baked. But lately they've had a "limited edition" caramel and chocolate one - Sofa So Good - which has been getting far too much of my attention.

Being British, I try to spend the day oppressing small Protestant sects.

I still feel guilt over that one time I referred to Garret Dillahunt as Garret Hedlund.

For someone who's technically mildly lactose intolerant, holy fuck do I eat a lot of Ben & Jerry's.

All will be forgiven if it starts:

Don't worry - massive marketing and the promise of spectacle will probably more than outweigh a few grumpy nerds who think movies should have things like "interesting plots" and "engaging lead characters".