
Donna Meagle's cousin?

Do the fools not realise that abbreviation is the lifeblood of the internet?

Right! The Athenians are a famously soft and indolent people. No way one of them could have run that far immediately after fighting a battle - if the battle even happened!

Nickelback was in the charts. Truly, this was America's darkest hour.

There's also a famous song, which they probably both took the name from (well, the comedian took it from a teacher singing the song at him). Here's Ella doing it (and, of course, forgetting half the words and just winging it): https://youtu.be/OthWvIBBDhg

While he's done some sterling work in the adult industry, I always preferred Bill Bailey on Black Books.

Maybe it's just that I read The Hobbit at a particularly impressionable age, but I've never been able to get behind anybody trying to be a hero. Trying to help people, save lives, fight evil - that's all great. But when you set out with the goal of "I'm going to be a hero!" that's when you get people killed. Or entire

Lacey's "Look Daddy, a unicorn!" crack would have worked better if it had come after we learned that the security company's badge was a unicorn. Still, it was some sterling undead monstering.

The answer to Stan's question: Deputy Leon was reading Sensual Hobo magazine. Cover story: "Bindles: in or out?"

Except for the part where he killed three innocent bystanders while machinegunning a motel room.

Yeah, that's what I knew him from before he was Lucifer.

Oh, the secret son and Berlin from Defiance. I'd forgotten about all that nonsense.

Colin Salmon was great.

Hey, Thea knows all about getting blasted out of her skull and shooting people with arrows.

The Flash suddenly becoming so dumb he'd have trouble tying his own shoes in order to make an underpowered villain into a credible threat is an ancient staple of comic books. Really, they're just being faithful to the source material.

Yeah, but it was super racist, so best not to watch it.

Season three's flashbacks were pretty boring, but season four's were actively terrible. Both seasons would have been better off without.

Personally, I just read the articles.

I'm still disappointed that he didn't channel Dr Krieger in response. "I'm not a serial killer."

I believe the technical term for that is "steez".