
Also good: Both he and Thea acknowledged that there's no way he could actually be Prometheus.

Drago had a week in which to break him. He failed.

Artemis may be a traitor, but that debriefing scene with everyone still in costume except for their masks demonstrated that her makeup removal skills are second to none.

Nic Cage can do anything.

At school I studied German, French, and Latin, and was terrible at all of them. I've lived in Cyprus for a year and Germany for three years, and I still only speak English. And I can't even detect accents beyond the most basic level.

According to Google, Tom Ellis is best known for EastEnders.

No spoilers, so I'm guessing that's the bloated adorably gluttonous pet cat which is still eating mice in the walls of CTU.

Things I do not understand why other people like them at all:

In Britain the number one this week was Take My Breath Away (Love Theme from Top Gun). So I think we were worse off.

Autoplay is the reason I first installed Adblock. Which, sadly, seems to be getting less and less reliable.

Notable Deaths today

Unlike decadent Western Capitalist submarines, which need to be placed on waterskis and towed by a speedboat.

I don't. I remember the long dark months while they let us all hang in suspense, never knowing if the show was cancelled or they were just being dickbags about renewing it. I remember the desperate hope, the constant scanning of newswires. I remember the gradual dawning realisation, the slow-growing horror of it.

"Remember the night they cancelled Bunheads?"

… And it'll be Shatner.

Yeah, that perspective seems frankly bizarre. I mean, people even watched Voyager.

Naked green bodies, I hope.

It was pretty hellish in general. I mean, humans were cows, there was no music, and the dancing. Dear Illyria, the dancing…

I am disappointed that we didn't get to see Ella trying to make Lucifer behave appropriately in church, but she nonetheless had an excellent episode. "I say this with huge respect for the dead but this case is totally gonna be a panel at the next forensic conference."

"Wally, you got a bit stabbed so I had my mom killed in order to make it better. Also, I just wrecked your car. I thought I should lead with the 'killed my own mom for your sake' thing. We're cool, right?"