
Under the Skin is creepy and disturbing, but I'm not sure I'd call it a horror film. But then, I'm not sure what else you could call it. Horror is sometimes a ridiculously broad category.

There's an actual new font? I thought it was just my computer failing to load the pages properly. It sometimes does this thing where it repeatedly re-loads AVClub pages without being told to…

Would make as much sense as any of the other nonsense about the Money Pit.

As straight horror, probably Black Swan. I've never got into gore, and The Witch is in my pile of films I need to get round to watching.

Y'know, I've had actual nightmares about losing my teeth, but the monster made of teeth? Does nothing for me.

Brazil: Go insane, regress into a hallucination of a better world.

I always wondered if that was a Kipling reference.

I gained a delightful goddaughter.

No can dunk, but good fundamentals.

So you're saying Prometheus's reign of terror could be ended if somebody just explained to him that that's comfortably above average and nothing to be ashamed of?

He's secretly a zui quan master.

Parachute arrow! Because you never know when you're going to find yourself on a crashing Skrull spaceship elevated train.

"My name is Boyd Crowder. You can come after me if you want but it will be the last thing you ever do, I promise you that."

That was the largest and best-dressed newborn baby I have ever seen.

"You're off the case, Hottie Cop. Turn in your moisturizer and your lipgloss."

It's very weird to see any part of Smash season 2 described as a "standout". That car wreck is probably the main reason why I still can't like Win on Supergirl.

Well, on the plus side this would be an ideal time for the folks behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe to begin production on an adaptation of the old Captain America "Secret Empire" plotline.

Well, on the plus side it's now established that this world hates a whole lot of people back.

What's are "promiscuous photos"? Photos that sleep around a lot? Because that raises a whole lot of further questions. Or is it photos of Murtaugh's daughter sleeping around a lot? Because that doesn't seem like the sort of thing you'd send a new boyfriend. Unless he's into that, which I guess is valid, but still kind

You can probably just jump in - it's not heavy on the long-term plotting.