
#8 is Homeland’s Morgan Saylor.

Do we have to do this? Ah, fuck it, I'll start.

He gave that truck handjobs while driving.

I'm still really fond of 10 Things I Hate About You. I will happily argue that it's one of the best Shakespeare adaptations ever made, and Heath Ledger is so dreamy Julia Stiles is sexy when she's righteously angry.

I subscribe to the fairly popular opinion that Mads Mikkelsen, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and probably Tilda Swinton would all have been better choices for Strange than Interdict Fuzzypatch. As such, your failure to even mention his performance makes me feel thoroughly vindicated in my prejudices.

Rachel Nichols is a ghost hunter now? Really? I am disappointed. I mean, yes, she fought some weird sand-ghost-dudes in that Conan movie, which was bad but still better than Conan the Destroyer, but she spent years on Continuum and she was the Orion space cadet in Star Trek. I expect better from my sci-fi actors.

Sleepy Hollow should have been cancelled after its first season. Then we'd remember it as the Firefly of the 2010s.

A dilapidated church with a couple of hundred lit candles in it. I'm pretty sure that's a fire hazard.

*Checks thread*

As a macho, rugged, manly man, I have no trouble telling people how much I love Gilmore Girls, and recommending it to anyone who'll listen.

Doyle is a perfectly acceptable compromise for Paris, but Danny Strong is probably way too comfortable on his pile of Empire money to come back to Gilmore Girls.

Paris deserves better than anyone, but if she's going to settle, I guess Rory will do.

Because Lorelai refuses to accept that Emily is cool, so she insists on Rory bringing a beard. And Rory refuses, because she knows Emily is cool, but Lorelai is all: "If you don't pick a beard, I'll pick one. And you know it's gonna be Kirk." And Rory is all: "No, I know grandma. I can take Paris as my date, and she…

Paris will be even more intense. Rory will ask her why she's like this, and she'll just tell her: "I own property."

He was a truly shitty boyfriend, but when we last saw him he had grown up into a pretty cool guy.

Even Kirk?

Maybe the shocking twist is that she and Mama Kim elope.

Sadly, I think she's busy with Stranger Things, but Winona Ryder as the Angel of Death would be a nice shoutout to the "source" material.

And the moral of this story is that Charisma Carpenter just can't make it work with guys named Wesley. Even with the help of a lot of coke.

The Red Wedding was an inside job!