
In fairness, they were up against Ajax. And that guy could have bopped his way clear across New York if he hadn't got distracted.

All of Shakespeare's plays were written by two really short guys standing on each other's shoulders in a trenchcoat, claiming to just be one guy.

The Skrull version of John Lennon ghost-wrote all his songs.

You don't see it so much anymore, but for a while after the Buffy the Vampire Slayer finale there was a trend of guessing "X is a Slayer", where X is any female character that shows any level of badassery.

I think by "Democrats" he means "the ethnics".

My favourite sports movie is Bring It On.

I learned the other day that Katy Perry's real name is Kate Hudson, but she is not the same Kate Hudson as the one who sells overpriced gym clothes.

But neither of them has a goatee.

But it was true for Ashes to Ashes, and by extension for Life on Mars and Dixon of Dock Green.

Wiping out the dodo was kind of a dick move, but in humanity's defence they were delicious.

He's almost a scientist!

You make Kara sad. How could you do that? That's like kicking a super-enthusiastic puppy.

Yeah, that's in my pile of stuff I really really need to watch.

He killed Moe Tzart!

Why does it have to be somebody from New Jersey? I mean, like, seventy per cent of American superheroes are played by British people.

Over here in the UK, I know a couple of otherwise intelligent and politically well-informed people who still believe that Trump is a Clinton plant (in fairness, that would explain several of the more incomprehensible things about his campaign, but I'm of the opinion that Hanlon's Razor is in full effect here).

That would be almost as confusing as Rambo 3 being a sequel to Rambo: First Blood Part 2, which was a sequel to First Blood.

The name Joey should have been retired from TV after Joey stopped being Joey.

I don't regret giving up on Homeland after season three, but I do occasionally wonder what he's getting up to there.

Also born today: The United Nations. Happy birthday, UN, you're often useless but that doesn't change the fact that you do vast amounts of good in the world.