
Eleanor of Aquitaine and/or William Marshal. The two biggest badasses of the 12th century, they occasionally get a nod in the endless Robin Hood movies, but deserve far more. Imagine if Margaery Tyrell and Barristan Selmy were real, and were unrealistically awesome. That's them.

Isn't Matt LeBlanc kept busy enough by Episodes and Melissa and Joey that he needs a third show?

Kelly unloading the pistol reminded me a little of Vasquez in the vents in Aliens. I know of few higher compliments.

Yeah, but Ash is definitely leading on the havoc front.

Normally I can spot a dream sequence within seconds, but in this case I was genuinely fooled. Mostly because I really can imagine this show impaling Pablo (and then having him survive thanks to the Necronomicon).

*Pushes nerd glasses up nose*

Next time, on Keeping up with the Lannisters… Everybody's dead and Cersei's drinking heavily! But who's she going to have murdered next?

Ryan Reynolds is also doing TV ads for broadband in the UK. Which makes me wonder if he got caught in the same Ponzi scheme as Kevin Bacon.

I agree with the essence of that. There are indeed circumstances when it is appropriate to tell a lady she is being nasty, although it can be awkward because in most of those circumstances you probably have a ball gag in your mouth.

Yeah. After the finale I was thinking: "Well, that was shite. Why do I bother?" And I now find in myself a complete lack of enthusiasm. So, not gonna bother.

At some point you have to ask yourself: "How many times would I be willing to have sex with Donald Trump for $14 million?"

Damn it, scientists, we still haven't finished apologising for imperialism, and now you add this to the docket.

Well, at least we can take comfort in the fact that it's not about when AIs are smart enough to design AIs that are smarter than Joey Tribbianni, which I believe was reached in the early 90s.

I hadn't even heard that, but I second your hopes.

When I'm late-night channel-hopping and wander across The Last Samurai, I always end up re-watching it just for Ken Watanabe. He's great in it, and it's a shame that the film is remembered primarily as Tom Cruise's Dances With Samurai movie.

Saffron Burrows as Victoria Hand is still the person I'm most upset with Grant Ward for murdering on Agents of SHIELD.

Didn't we get to see some of that in the last couple of episodes of Ash vs Evil Dead? It was not pleasant. And I say that as a hypothetical fan of Veruca James, if I knew who she was which obviously I don't.

I've been formally diagnosed with Asperger's. My take on The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou: "I can't watch that. I don't care if it's meant to be funny. I can't get past those hats."

When did the season start? My favourite new show of the entire year so far is Wynonna Earp, which I suspect is going to be regarded as the new Warehouse 13 in its mix of cheesiness, silliness, and sheer darn likability (they're completely different shows in almost every other way, although I was surprised to spot