
Yeah, I always wonder about that. Broadway shows get huge on the internet, but how many people have actually seen them?

*Baldwin IV of Jerusalem forces Stephen and Alec to kiss his leprous hand, then beats them with a riding crop*

You don't know that. Hot Pie's parentage has yet to be revealed, and there are a lot of Lannisters out there sowing their seeds.

Who do you think taught Arya to bake those deliciously glazed Frey meat pies? The Faceless Men don't even own a rolling pin.

In other words, the same as every other story.

Well, yes, but Asimov's second law was to obey all orders that don't conflict with the first law, not "don't lie".

Ollie got shot back in season one, remember? Moira Queen was the deadliest marksman on Earth.

Less interesting (but arguably prettier) Thea.

Even if they didn't recognise the uniforms, they could recognise that the uniforms themselves were pretty cool. "Wait, I'm wearing a cool hockey mask when I could have had a Grammaton Cleric helmet?"

Fuck it because it didn't turn out to be real and we all love the TV version of Deadshot, right?

"Three innocent men." Oh, Ollie. What kind of guys do you think get to audition for one of the world's most thoroughly obnoxious crime syndicates?

While all the cool kids hate on the Hobbit movies, I think my reason is different to most.

I liked his two minutes on Weeds, in which he named the Botwins' cultivar "Milf Weed". It was a brief cameo, but it had a lasting effect on the series.

Just console yourself with the knowledge that the older he gets, the higher the chance that she'll pull a Trump and trade him in for a younger model.

I saw that film for the first time a couple of years ago, and just did not recognise him. He was absolutely fantastic and, as you said, creepy as hell.

Death squads that shoot anybody the wrong colour?

That was pretty clearly what they were going for back in the 70s.

He's got a kind of grumpy Nick Offerman vibe going on.

The caretaker out at the old Xavier place?

Will they include the sequence where he stabs all the other X-Men to death while drunk under the influence of Mysterio?