
It was Steve Ditko, and he was smoking the really good stuff.

Wouldn't she be a little tall?

Anyone can claim to be the devil. It's why the existence of a devil-like being proves nothing, theologically speaking; he's inherently untrustworthy.

Sometimes, one Marvel comic mocks the stupidity of another comic's plot. Sometimes they even mock their own.

It took out his entire personality. Tragic, really.

So I guess we assume that May worked it out, but realised that bringing it up while she's trapped in the house with what may or may not be a murderbot might be a bad idea.

So, Aida's prime directives: Don't kill all humans, don't lie, and…

If they're anything like mutants (and we know they are), it's sheer luck whether or not a given power set is going to be harmful to its owner.

It worked!

The off-script moment reminded me of that bit in the first Bourne movie where Jason primes Marie with an elaborate plan to track down the guy they're looking for, but then she sees that the guy on the hotel desk seems helpful, so she just asks him.

I think James's big problem is that he was sober throughout the whole episode. If they had just got a few beers in him, he probably would have been cool.

He doesn't say it directly. He just says there are questions to be asked about the sandwich. And about Pamela Anderson. And about vegans in general, I mean really did any of us ever trust vegans? I heard they have telekinetic powers.

Doctor Who frequently wastes its potential or fucks up in irritating ways, but every so often it has moments of pure perfection. And the Christmas Carol episode was probably one of those - it had Michael Gambon, flying space sharks, accidental marriage to Marilyn Monroe, and that wonderful line which tells you

Really, porn movies with "Booty" in the title should be pirate themed. I mean, they can be butt themed as well if that's what you like, but the cast should be required to talk like pirates at all times while on set.

Trump turns on the Republican party, declares that he's already won, and demands Hillary concede the race right now.

I loved that the laughter is where Bill draws the line.

Someone, somewhere, is already working on their AU fanfiction.

Wait, is Holt a big Gene Wilder fan?

For his announcement, Captain Holt went for a brass band playing Ride of the Valkyries. Because of course he did.