
It's getting to the point where you have to worry about him. I mean, I kind of want to build a time machine and go back to when he was a kid and just give him a hug and tell him: "It's okay. You matter. Even when nobody's looking, you matter."

She was fine after they let Echo develop into a full-time troubled badass, but unfortunately that took one and a half seasons.

My favourite moment in the whole show was Crazy Topher, astonished at the elegant simplicity of the weaponisation of the tech.

Yes. It's funny and pretty to look at, and I like shiny things that don't make me think.

Up is down, black is white, Reposted Daily Mail Comments is a voice of decency and reason.

So does the Evil on Ash vs Evil Dead.

Lucky Star, starring Benicio del Toro. The trailer made it look like a fascinating film about an international con artist/gambler; then it turned out the film didn't actually exist and it was all just a car advert.

I really liked Hanna. It's super-weird and hard to categorise, but Saoirse Ronan is consistently fascinating.

The Muscles from Brussels! Star of so many terrible yet enjoyable movies I can barely remember!

Some things, not even Xenu can fix.

I feel like this is something you need to talk about more.

This is probably my second favourite random celebrity friendship, after Stephen Fry and Emma Thompson (which, okay, isn't really random because they went to university together and have been friends forever, but still - imagine the dinner parties).

The only leadership he would assert would be deciding who to nuke.

I wish Amy Poehler would campaign in character for Leslie Knopf, instead of Hillary.

I don't know. I can see Leslie pressuring Ron into voting, even though he dislikes doing anything that validates the government's interfering in his life. I can't see him allowing himself to be pressured into changing his vote, by anyone.

I still have hope that, in the altered medium of TV, James Marsden may at last be able to break the curse and finally live happily ever after.

And now we know. And knowing is half the battle.

Yeah, but he still doesn't get a happy ending.

We don't get it until Tuesday nights over here. Which means so far I've seen him shot down by Thandie Newton and shot up by Ed Harris, but he still hasn't got the girl.

And then she was brutally murdered as a nice little Easter egg for the fans?