
He liked to recreate that scene from Risky Business.

Wait, the action, or the, uh, "action"?

So he's the TV version of James Marsden?

You don't know Ms Martian is going to be beautiful. I mean, you saw that White Martian. With the write make-up job they could… *Does a Google image search* Okay, nope, she's going to be beautiful.

Where did the weird fan convention of writing Lost in all caps come from? I mean, you never saw it with House or Rome or Castle, and they all have one-word titles and all-caps title cards. Are Lost fans just that over-excitable?

Jane the Virgin's slot…

This has been a Public Service Announcement. Kids, don't steal cars. You may think it's "cool", you may think it's "dope", but it never ends well.

I still can't believe they're still making films out of Dan Brown novels.

In the books, Uhtred is a lot less enigmatic (because they're told from his POV), and a lot more of a dick. But that's kind of the point - his character arc over the first two or three books is basically learning that being really good in a fight doesn't mean he can do whatever he wants to whoever he wants, and

I just finished re-watching seasons two and three of Justified, and of course it was great.

That fucking giggle. How did that cockroach last so long?

Wait a minute. Jessica Fletcher. Dexter Morgan.

Does anybody else kind of want to find out more about Scout Trooper Hank, who pulled off some badass moves to get aboard a rebel vessel, only to get beaten up and have his uniform stolen?

The other two-thirds? Hush money.

He's the bastard offspring of Mitt Romney and Mitch Buchanan.

One of them was Scottish. You can call him a ned.

The queue to beat Donald Trump with a phone book for 40 minutes straight starts just to your left, and finishes about four miles to your right.

There is no truth to the claims that Cersei had numerous political rivals murdered with wildfire, secretly employs a giant zombie monster bodyguard, and used a body double for her Walk of Shame.

The Ross/Phoebe comparison makes sense if you squint.

Thank you.