
Second choice, Con Air: "Put. The bunny. Back in the box."

And once again, Ally McBeal gets no love.

The Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

When he started pulling on the guts, my immediate thought was: "Of course, in the real world those would be full of shit, and this would be the most disgusting thing ever. But of course no TV show would ever go there."

I will settle for Ryan Reynolds if he gets to swear inventively and show off his abs.

So, basically, Yojimbo with vampires? I like the way you think.


Yes, including an almost certainly innocent man paid to take the fall for the boat's owner.

Nick Bottom, the weaver. Who, in a bold reimagining of the source material, is now a fearless rebel leader and master swordsman who wears a lot of guyliner.

Hey, Kara's aunt was good, but unfortunately they killed her off early and replaced her with Non, who was just a non-presence (see what I did there? Huh? Huh?).

Fairy Peaseblossom. Next question?

The second best part is Ivana Baquero. The third best part is the fact that, eventually, every single episode comes to an end and you can stop watching and go do something more fulfilling with your life.

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Bad Habits is a film from the inexplicable naughty nuns genre.

Lucy Griffiths was also a badass Marian on the BBC's utterly terrible Robin Hood series. I stopped watching shortly before they killed her off, but apparently with her gone it somehow got even worse.

Looking over her resume, it's clear that Eva Green takes the time to pick and choose her roles. Which makes some of them seem absolutely inexplicable.

The problem is that the obvious answer is something like Alice in Wonderland, and that turned out to be… not so obvious.

Would Helena Bonham Carter's character still be called My Cock Mike Hawk?

Is it just me, or is Governor Pryce clearly modeled on Servalan from Blake's 7? Anyway, her fight with Sabine was awesome.

I don't see how a 1970s BBC TV series about First World War fighter pilots would be eligible to win an Oscar, but if you say it happened, I guess it happened.