
I visited an amazing disused slate quarry back in June. Getting around involved a lot of climbing and abseiling, but it was well worth it.

Insulting his mama must get very awkward.

Fun fact: Apparently nobody bothered to tell Bryan Singer that there were two Ashmores, so for that brief shot in the first X-Men movie where Mystique-as-Iceman walks out behind Iceman they did some expensive effects work.

Correction: There was a time when someone could get an Oscar nod for being Sigourney Weaver.

Bella Thorne was killed in the opening sequence of the bad yet still watchable Scream TV series. Apparently this was supposed to be a Drew Barrymore-level piece of stunt casting. I had never heard of her.

Damn, man. I know he had it coming, but that was still way harsh.

Russell Peters may be Canada's favourite son, but is he Canada's favourite starship captain? Hah, Shatner's got you there, hasn't h… Damn it, Fillion!

Remember that time he tried to kill Buffy during parents' evening, and he was winning the fight, and then her mom hit him in the head with an axe?

Little known fact about the Arrowverse: Last season an American city was destroyed by a nuclear missile.

Last season he killed the whitest guy on TV.

At least Ollie didn't go all: "Uh-oh, my cop buddy is drinking. Better go back in time to murder my mother and rewrite history so a bunch of people die."

Chad L Coleman has a great physical presence. That bit in the helicopter where the fight basically devolved to "punch each other until somebody quits" - you could really believe he could just tank his way through that kind of fight.

An American city got nuked. Nobody cared. Why would they?

Yeah, I was wondering if it's just that I lack taste, or it was actually the ugliest statue since Lucy.

I always think of it as being very British, and also very pre-Second World War.

That's the nice thing about the Mafia. It's a family business, so there's always another scumbag.

Hey, her last breakup her boyfriend ended up in prison. Ollie should count himself lucky she only took his home.

They also had an emotional arc that made sense (marriage falling apart because of the loss of a child), instead of the Russian's thing of randomly falling in love with Ollie because he killed her brother.

We'd complain if they did.

You'd think he'd notice a pattern sooner or later.