
I'm getting my prediction in early: Former Detective Lieutenant Officer Lance to become the next deputy mayor of Star City.

A cooking show featuring the cast of an acclaimed Broadway musical!

Not so much "acclaimed" as "remembered rather fondly now that we've seen how much worse it could be". But still counts.

Olivia Thirlby was excellent as Judge Anderson, and I am still bitter that we will apparently never get to see more of her in a Dredd sequel. That film was perfect.

It's okay, man. This is a safe space. And in an emergency you can always claim you only watched it for Anna Kendrick and Brittany Snow's nude shower duet.

Did anybody else assume that Total Bellas was some kind of Pitch Perfect spin-off?

The rare celebrity couple that makes me think: Yep, that makes perfect sense, and they absolutely deserve each other.

Well, obviously you don't want to encourage women to be watching TV when they should be cooking dinner and making cocktails for their husbands.

Haven't watched it, but I can believe you. Because Clancy Brown.

Who is the definitive Lex Luthor, though? I mean, I'm sure people have fond memories of Gene Hackman, but while he was fun he didn't really seem like Lex Luthor to me. Nobody's clinging to Superman Returns, so I guess that just leaves… whoever voiced him in the recent cartoons, I guess.

Damn it, now all I can think of is the need for a proper Prydain adaptation.

I've said it before, but: This season's Arrow flashbacks really should consist of just long static shots of Ollie and Anatoli sitting side by side, silently drinking vodka. Round about episode 8, Ollie gets his Bratva tattoos. While continuing to silently drink vodka.

Damn it, I wanted to see the puppy working in the drive-through. Was it a labrador? Because I love labradors, but I would not trust one to get my food without eating half to three-fifths of it.

Both are utterly disgusting, and render any food they are added to completely inedible.

How can you eat well while subjecting yourself to Mac & Me's endless pro-burger brainwashing?

… And I had completely forgotten that one even existed. Not sure whether that says more about me or Ben Affleck.

They had funding, it just came from Nick Fury's secret stash instead of from the government.

Yeah, but they had Sean Connery and then Harrison Ford, and this was back in the days when big stars sold movies.

Do we have a per-bullet costing on the Night-Night guns? They're probably not within police budgets. I mean, SHIELD have invisible jet planes, yet the NYPD still have to make do with helicopters.