
There's, like, a 96 per cent chance that "manila envelope posted to reporter" means "I was handed these documents personally by somebody who I know, but fuck you I protect my sources".

Only if the daughter's dad was there to leer creepily over their pole dancing routine.

Horseradish is an instrument of Satan.

She deserves better than that asshole.

It's too bad they've pulled back on Lucifer's omnisexuality, but if we get more scenes of Maze and Momma Morningstar interacting like, uh, that, I for one will consider myself more than adequately compensated.

I'm still not clear on why Jack Ryan is a recurring franchise. Tom Clancy is a hack, The Hunt for Red October only worked because of Sean Connery, and yet Hollywood just keeps going back to that well, as if Jack Ryan is in some way compelling in his own right.

… Kind of? Murders are Lucifer and Chloe's excuse for hanging out together, but nobody really cares about the murders. This episode was very funny.

Or because he lied to Linda, or because he's got friendly with Lucifer, or because he's failed to bring Lucifer back, or because of ineffability… could be anything, really.

Public service announcement: Der Teufel in Miss Jonas means "The Devil in Miss Jonas" and is not, in fact, a film for tofu fetishists.

Stopped clock, etc.

Melissa Benoist carries that show. The writing is frequently poor, half the supporting characters are terrible, but her performance is just so perfect that it makes us all overlook everything else.

Hitman was Garth Ennis's best work, with Punisher: Max in second place. Preacher is great and all, but I enjoy Hitman more, even though a lot of the humour is even more juvenile. And those 60 issues of Why Being Frank Castle Sucks are just one of the greatest pieces of comic writing ever.

In the light of a couple of comments about him made in Luke Cage, there's been some speculation as to what Barack Obama is doing in the MCU. The two most likely options are that he's VP to the president from Iron Man 3, or that he missed out in '08 and is actually running for president right now.

"Spicy Mummies"? The Chopped Junior contestants are going to try to make Sofia Vergara in a lab?

Oh, come on. Tommy Lee was a legitimate movie star. His name was even in the movie's title.

Lara Croft, Sarah Connor, and… the love interest from A Knight's Tale. That's a very fine top three.

And almost all of them get a great big "Who?" from the average punter. Well, except for Sting. His space underwear is unforgettable.

Presumably the reason it took 72 hours was because literally everybody on the planet who wasn't involved in approving this for production spent the first 71 and a half hours repeatedly saying: "What the actual fuck?"

It was basically the Roman system of tax farming.