
Don't blame me; I voted for Valorum.

I was assuming it meant "Suet bisexual necessitates sentimentality".

Dale Dickey has been in almost literally everything, but Winter's Bone really does deserve a mention. And My Name Is Earl.

Even AV Club nerds love their mamas.

In fairness, most world leaders are politicians, and most politicians are thoroughly un-admirable people.

That could be how they bring Ghost Rider in.

Fitz is inaccurate. Mac is not that small.

It's a demon skull. Now give me my No-Prize.

Here's hoping he gives Chloe Bennet a fight scene that good.

… Kind of?

I'm not sure that I've seen him in anything else, ever, but I liked him in this. He had the right kind of non-charisma to convince as a government bureaucrat, while also being big and solid enough to convince as a super-strong unstoppable force.

Mac got kind of grumpy after being forced to fight an enemy who was immune to both shotguns and axes.

… Presumably after she agreed to fake jumping out of a helicopter with James Bond for the Olympics.

Phil the Greek. Former Royal Navy officer, and you better believe he hasn't lasted 60-odd years sober.

I believe it was the day she heard that Margaret Thatcher was the new Prime Minister. Somehow, everything stopped being funny after that.

It's a chain of events. She was just an ordinary princess living in an ordinary palace and expecting to marry an ordinary minor member of European royalty, until her uncle married a divorcee and got chummy with Hitler, and that put her unexpectedly in line for the throne.

You guessed it… Frank Stallone-Smyth-ffoulkes, of the Shropshire Stallone-Smythe-ffoulkeses.

SPECTRE just needs a re-edit in which Ian McKellen pops up in the first act as Gandalf and tells Bond about the prophecy of the Brothers of Darkness and Light, doomed by destiny to do battle, and also gives him the mystical Walther of Helicopter-Slaying. Then it'll all make sense.

I believe the crossover is for people who like watching muscular guys get sweaty.

Yes, because you blew up a church with wildfire.