
Yes, eventually, and it looked pretty great.

Nah bro, it should be using Red Ghost and his Super-Apes. You can never have too many super-powered apes.


The emo-goth look works for her, because underneath she still looks like Chloe Bennett. There are just so many better looks available.

And this is May we're talking about. After she saw black-eyed Coulson, I expected the next line out of her mouth to be: "I've been infected. Quarantine me immediately."

That ending was probably the best villain death I've ever seen on TV. No rage, no spite, just: "Okay, crap, I've lost. Might as well enjoy the last few seconds I have. Damn we've got a good view from up here."

The concept of triplets who all have the exact same job and personality? That's kind of weird.

The shot of Daisy putting on her underwear was wholly gratuitous and objectifying and I was so morally outraged that I only rewound it once.

Oh, come on. Society's very understanding these days. I'm sure if you went into a store and said: "I need some comfortable, practical, underwear for the robot I'm building in my back room", the saleswoman would just say: "Okay, so what size is she? Did you bring the blueprints? Okay, going by these schematics she

The flaming skull worked surprisingly well on a TV budget, but they're probably not going to show too much of it. The actor was… okay; we'll have to see how it develops.

Dear Mad Scientists,

Warehouse 13 went from dumb but vaguely enjoyable to dumb but unmissable after Allison Scagliotti turned up. Claudia and Artie's relationship was one of the best things about the show.

Don't knock Lethal Weapon 4. It has Jet Li, and a pregnant Rene Russo beating up everyone except Jet Li.

Bender Bending Rodriguez for the role of Robot. His swarthy Latin charm and complete indifference to human suffering would really add something.

So this version of John Robinson will be a gay pirate captain?

I like Skye/Daisy/Mary-Sue Poots.

Oh, come on. There's a reason why the cold open of, like, two episodes in three seems to involve somebody punching Iolaus.

Amber Rayne died recently - I want to say in a road accident - making me feel sad and guilty at the same time.

Cersei's horrible and evil, but nonetheless fascinating and pitiable. And she'd probably be no worse than the average Real Housewife if she hadn't been born into a horrifying patriarchy that denies her every freedom.

So I recently watched a few episodes of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys, and I'm confused by Iolaus. I mean, I get that the heart wants what the heart wants, and fandom in general is a sucker for unrealised homoerotic tension, but Michael Hurst's face is just so incredibly punchable. Do people really find that guy