
David Arquette, Donald Trump… this comment thread is full of world-class professional wrestlers.

I like Pink. I'm not ashamed. As far as I'm concerned, the most interesting thing about the forthcoming Alice in Wonderland sequel (wait, is it still forthcoming? Did it come out? Does anybody care?) is that she's done a cover of Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit, which obviously isn't going to be a patch on the

Screw Florence Nightingale, give us some Mary Seacole drag.

Captain Britain and MI13. Also the home of the Skrull Beatles.

I believe many Nazis were actually defeated by hanging hats over their cyclopean eye-stalks.

I'm pretty sure that wasn't seen onscreen until Remembrance of the Daleks in the 80s.

One of the greatest things to ever happen in Marvel comics was when racist Dracula declared war on Britain from his castle on the Moon.

"I think coffee's the one constant thing in the multiverse."

Lancelot was blatantly Chretien de Troyes' self-insert. "Oh, and then I beat up Gawain. And then I bang the Queen. And then I bang this hot princess and make a super-perfect baby knight who finds the Grail."

Well, if we're going down that path, let's take a look at Herod.

Cast as a Napoleonic War soldier in a Sean Bean TV movie?

The Friend Zone seems like an odd choice of subject for hardcore pornography.

Only if you left the joint a review on Tripadvisor.

#35 Anthony Quayle was manly and British in Lawrence of Arabia and The Guns of Navarone.

There are celebrities who people hate with good reason - Roman Polanski, Chris Brown, Charlie Sheen - but they are few and far between. So I guess my answer would be: Everyone who isn't a violent thug or a rapist. But especially reality TV stars. I get it, people don't like the Kardashians being in things. So do what

And I bet at least a few million of those viewers watched while eating Freedom Fries.

Every time you read his name, you have a 4% chance of becoming pregnant. Rising to 7% if you're female.

Willem Dafoe's performance as Max Schreck in Shadow of the Vampire is one of the all-time greatest screen vampires. He's pathetic and loathsome and scary and funny, and I refuse to let the historical facts about Schreck get in the way of my enjoyment of his performance.

It had Diana Rigg.

And if only George had thought to mention her name during his final, climactic, duel with General Cornwallis on top of the Empire State Building, they could have realised how much they had in common and Washington wouldn't have had to bludgeon him to death with the Liberty Bell.