
That's why SHIELD turned against Captain America, you know. Their gym equipment budget just couldn't handle his seven decades of super serum-enhanced sexual frustration PTSD.

True royalty never carries cash.

I know what an analogy is. It's like a thought with another thought's hat on.

Does she even know that's a possibility? I mean, she was raised in the Great Mouse Overlord's fame factory and has been primped and pimped pretty much from the day she could stand upright; she may not be aware that it's possible to not spend all day selling your image and your soul to the masses.

Why not stick with the classics, and suggest that his mother is known as Mrs Eazy?

Note: French law also bans you from wearing your balaclava in public.

He can't be incontinent; international law bans him from ever entering an EU nation.

Because you can do badass poses with it.

… Damn it, I've just realised that, in this universe, Carl Lucas may have chosen his new name in honour of his favourite Vin Diesel character.

If Netflix makes an entire episode with dialogue like "By the gleamin' gates of funky Asgard, you suckers are gonna eat hammer", I will happily pay double the current fee.

I'm still upset about Trish dying on Orange is the New Black.

Sheer disbelief, I guess. "Did he just… nah, can't have."

The goon with the man-bun really needs to stop jerking his gun forward every time he fires it. That's got to be affecting his aim.

I know. And that was supposed to be… look, when we sent you guys Piers Morgan it was great. He went away and we no longer had to see his stupid punchable face and yes, we had to apologise every now and then, but it was still a welcome relief.

Fun fact I just found out from Wikipedia: Carla Gugino played the robot Kelor in Man of Steel, Crazy Steve v Superman, and the Supergirl TV show, which I guess makes her the Clark Gregg of the DC screen universe.

It's a shame she died so young, but at least she captured Quebec.

Well, hey, everybody's always been so worried about World War III being fought with nuclear weapons. And if we count the Seven Years War then we can tell people: "Look, we already thought World War III, with nukes and everything, and we got so many cool movies out of it! Why not have a World War IV? I just know it'll

As I understand it, we sent you guys our version of The X Factor as a reminder that, while every nation has its troubles, some cankers are universal and can we please come to some kind of international agreement banning Simon Cowell? He's just not good for us.

Two/Three is still way better than One/Two, which seemed to be based entirely on numerical proximity. At least Three has a personality.

Hey, some of us start out with an unhealthy level of attachment to any character played by Eliza Dushku.